The Journey of YusufBy afrakamil94

The Journey of Yusuf
By afrakamil94
Created on 10 Feb, 2024

Painting your imagination...
Yakub (AS) a prophet of Allah was blessed with 11 sons.
They were the descendants of prophet Ibrahim (AS).

Yusuf's first challenge came in the form of a dream. He saw eleven stars, the sun, and the moon all bowing to him. He shared this dream with his father, who advised him to keep it a secret.

Despite this secrecy, Yusuf’s brothers grew envious of their father's affection towards him. They devised a plan to get rid of Yusuf by throwing him into a well.

As a group of travelers rescued Yusuf from the well, he found himself sold into slavery. Despite the hardship, Yusuf held onto his faith, believing in Allah's wisdom and plan.

The Journey of Yusuf
AI Adventure Stories