Little Red Riding HoodBy ran yao

Little Red Riding Hood
By ran yao
Created on 13 May, 2024

Once upon a time, in a small village, lived a cheerful young girl known for her bright red cloak. She was called Little Red Riding Hood because of the cloak she always wore.

One sunny morning, her mother asked her to take a basket of goodies to her sick grandmother, who lived in a tiny cottage deep in the forest.

As Little Red Riding Hood ventured into the forest, she was met by a cunning wolf who learned of her destination.

The wolf, with a cunning plan in mind, hurried to the grandmother's house and disguised himself as the grandmother.

When Little Red Riding Hood arrived, she was slightly suspicious of her 'grandmother's' changed appearance.

She questioned, "Grandmother, what big eyes you have," to which the wolf replied, "The better to see you with, my dear."

Little Red Riding Hood, still puzzled, commented, "Grandmother, what big teeth you have!" and the wolf, unable to contain his excitement, jumped out of bed, revealing his true self.

Just as the wolf lunged at her, a brave huntsman passing by heard the commotion and rushed in to save Little Red Riding Hood.

With one swift move, the huntsman sent the wolf running into the forest, never to be seen again. Little Red Riding Hood thanked the huntsman for saving her life.

The huntsman then helped Little Red Riding Hood find her real grandmother, safe and sound. They all shared the goodies from the basket as they rejoiced.

From that day onwards, Little Red Riding Hood promised never to stray from the path and always listen to her mother. The villagers often retold her story, reminding everyone of the cunning wolf and the brave huntsman.

Little Red Riding Hood grew wiser and more careful, but she never stopped wearing her bright red cloak. It became a symbol of bravery for her and the entire village.

Little Red Riding Hood
AI Children-stories Stories