The Amazing Hajj Adventure
By Israa Mohamad Zaghnoun

01 Jun, 2024

Ali, a lively 7-year-old, entered the room filled with excitement. He loved cartoons and couldn’t wait for the workshop to start.

Soon, Aisha, a soft-spoken girl of six, joined him. She was equally eager to learn about Hajj through the cartoon-themed workshop.

Ali and Aisha sat down on the bean bags, their eyes glued to the screen. The cartoon journey of Hajj had begun.

They learned about the ritual of Tawaf, circling the Kaaba seven times. Ali and Aisha were so engaged, they felt as if they were part of the journey.

The cartoon characters started the Sa'i, a walk between two hills, Safa and Marwa. The children were captivated by the story unfolding on the screen.

They watched as the characters completed seven rounds, understanding the meaning and importance of this ritual.

After the cartoon, it was time for some interactive activities. Ali and Aisha played games that simulated the rituals they had just learned.

They took turns explaining the customs and rituals, reinforcing their understanding of Hajj.

As the workshop neared its end, a short film about the Hajj pilgrimage was shown. The children watched with rapt attention.

Through the film, they experienced the spiritual journey and felt the significance of every ritual and custom.

As the workshop concluded, Ali and Aisha left the room, their hearts filled with joy and their minds enlightened.

They thanked their hosts, promising to share what they learned with their friends. It had indeed been an amazing Hajj adventure.