The Loudest Sneeze

    By Adam

    The Loudest Sneeze cover image

    04 Oct, 2023

    There was a girl named Bella who had a peculiar hobby. Bella loved to sneeze. Not just any sneeze, but loud, echoing sneezes that could shake the walls. She found joy in pushing her sneezes to be louder and louder each time.

    Bella would spend hours in her room, tickling her nose with feathers, sniffing pepper, anything to make herself sneeze. The sounds of her sneezes would echo through the house, much to her delight.

    Bella's parents, although perplexed by their daughter's peculiar hobby, loved her unconditionally. They would often chuckle at her loud, exaggerated sneezes, happy to see her enjoying herself.

    Bella's friends at school found it amusing too. It was not uncommon to hear a chorus of sneezes echoing through the schoolyard as they all tried to match Bella's volume.

    One day, Bella decided to take her hobby to the next level. She wanted to sneeze louder than anyone else in the world. She started researching ways to enhance her sneezes.

    Bella experimented with different foods, drinks, and breathing techniques. She even tried sneezing in different places to see if the echo would make her sneeze sound louder.

    After weeks of experimenting, Bella finally achieved what she believed to be her loudest sneeze yet. The sound echoed through the neighbourhood, causing people to peer out of their windows in surprise.

    Bella was ecstatic. She had managed to sneeze louder than she ever had before. She couldn't wait to show her friends at school the next day.

    However, the next day at school, Bella's loud sneeze caused quite a stir. Teachers, students, and even the principal were startled by the volume of her sneeze.

    Bella was surprised by the reaction. She hadn't expected her hobby to cause such a disruption. It was just a sneeze after all. But the more she sneezed, the more attention she attracted.

    Soon, Bella's sneezes became the talk of the town. Everywhere she went, people would ask her to sneeze for them. Bella was starting to feel overwhelmed.

    Bella loved sneezing, but she didn't like the attention it was bringing her. She missed the days when she could sneeze freely without causing a commotion.

    Bella decided to stop sneezing loudly. She missed the joy it brought her, but she valued her peace more. But stopping wasn't as easy as she had thought.

    Despite her best efforts, Bella's sneezes were still loud. She tried everything she could think of, but nothing seemed to work. Bella was starting to feel frustrated.

    Then, one day, Bella had an idea. She decided to seek the help of her music teacher. If anyone knew about controlling volume, it would be her.

    Bella's music teacher, Mrs. Harmon, was intrigued by her request. She agreed to help Bella and started teaching her breathing techniques to control the volume of her sneezes.

    Bella practiced the techniques diligently. It was hard at first, but gradually she noticed a difference. Her sneezes were starting to get quieter.

    Bella was ecstatic. She had finally found a way to control her sneezes. She couldn't wait to share the good news with her parents.

    Bella's parents were relieved to hear the news. They were proud of Bella for taking control of her situation and finding a solution to her problem.

    Bella's friends were also happy for her. They missed hearing her loud sneezes, but they were glad to see her happy and relieved.

    Bella was finally able to sneeze without causing a commotion. She was grateful to Mrs. Harmon for her help and continued to practice her breathing techniques.

    Bella's sneezes were still louder than most people's, but they were no longer the loudest in the world. Bella was content with that. After all, she had learned that it's not always about being the loudest.

    Bella continued to enjoy sneezing, but she learned to do it in moderation. She realized that there was more to life than just chasing records. She found joy in the simple things.

    Bella's story spread throughout the town, serving as a lesson to everyone. It taught people that while it's good to pursue your passions, it's also important to consider the impact on others.

    Bella had learned a valuable lesson, one that she would carry with her for the rest of her life. She continued to sneeze, but this time, with control and consideration.

    Bella became a much-loved figure in her town, known not just for her sneezes, but for her resilience and kindness. And while she no longer chased the loudest sneeze, she still held a special place in her heart for the joy of a good, loud "Achoo!"