The Haunting of Yuki

    By ??????

    The Haunting of Yuki cover image

    10 Sep, 2023

    Yuki gasped as she felt another powerful contraction rip through her. She could hear the bloodthirsty ghouls getting closer. Despite her pain, she was determined to protect her unborn child from the horrific creatures.

    Struggling through her pain, she waddled through the mansion’s ancient garden, her breath coming out in short, harsh gasps. She could feel Sora, her unborn child, struggling inside her.

    Yuki winced as a sharp kick from Sora hit her ribs. She knew she needed to get somewhere safe to give birth. The mansion, she realized, was a trap.

    She could hear the ghouls shuffling through the undergrowth behind her, their groans echoing through the garden. Fear fueled her resolve, making her move faster towards the mansion's outer walls.

    Yuki managed to climb over the wall, the effort leaving her breathless. She landed awkwardly on the other side, panting heavily as Sora kicked again, more forcefully this time.

    Despite the pain, she pushed herself to her feet and hurried away from the mansion, seeking shelter in the abandoned buildings of the nearby village.

    She found an old chapel with its doors barely hanging from the hinges. With no other choice, Yuki instinctively chose it as her refuge. She felt a painful spasm. Sora was coming. Now.

    Yuki screamed as the contractions became more intense. She removed her restrictive tights, realizing that the time had come. Her baby was ready to enter this world.

    The chapel, once a place of peace, now reeked of despair and loneliness. Yuki, writhing in pain, wished for someone’s help, anyone, but she was alone. Completely alone.

    The ghouls had reached the outskirts of the village. Yuki could hear them, their dreadful wailing mixed with her own painful cries. She hoped the very walls of the chapel would keep them out.

    Yuki tried to focus on pushing, drawing on every bit of her remaining strength. She knew she had to get Sora out safely. She was the only hope for her baby.

    The ghouls had reached the chapel. Their eerie howls were getting louder. But as Yuki risked a look, she noticed they were hesitant to cross the sacred threshold.

    Perhaps they were deterred by the sanctity of the place. This realization made Yuki focus on the task at hand. She gritted her teeth and pushed, praying for a miracle.

    Yuki felt a sense of relief when her daughter finally emerged. She held Sora in her arms, looking down at the baby's innocent face, which was oblivious to the horrors outside.

    With Sora safely in her arms, Yuki braved a smile. But the ghouls were still outside, their grotesque faces pressed against the chapel's grimy windows. The sanctuary wouldn't hold much longer.

    Yuki bundled Sora into her coat and located a hidden tunnel under the chapel’s altar. It was their only escape. She moved as quickly as her weakened state allowed.

    The tunnel was dark and damp, but Yuki didn't falter. She stayed focused, her determination fueling her actions. The thought of Sora gave her the strength to press on.

    As they emerged from the tunnel into the cold night, Yuki sighed with relief. Despite the bitter chill, it felt like the first breath of freedom. The ghouls were nowhere in sight.

    Tired but grateful, Yuki trudged away from the cursed village. With Sora nestled securely against her chest, she made her way to a distant town under the night’s protective cover.

    By the time dawn broke, Yuki and Sora reached a sheltered inn where other survivors had taken refuge. There, they were welcomed with kindness and open arms.

    In the safety of the inn, Yuki finally allowed herself to rest. She watched Sora sleep peacefully in her arms, away from the horrors they had escaped. Yuki smiled, a true smile this time.

    Despite the haunting memories of the mansion and the ghouls, Yuki found comfort in the community of survivors. They became her new family, her newfound home.

    Yuki and Sora's journey had been arduous and terrifying. But facing it, they found strength in each other. Their story served as a beacon of hope for the survivors.

    As Sora grew, Yuki often told her the tale of their escape. It became a story of courage, determination and, above all, the powerful bond between a mother and her child.

    They were survivors. No ghoul, no haunted mansion could take away their spirit. With Yuki's love and undying protection, Sora would always be safe. They were warriors, they were family.