Flickering Flames
By Alison.Sings.Covers Haws

03 Sep, 2023

Kera stood with a defiant demeanor, her emerald eyes burning with defiance not seen before. Fear pulsed within her heart as the smell of burning wood filled her nostrils.

The Executioner, a man garbed in sinister black, relished in his dreadful duty. His face, barely hidden beneath his hood, bore a disturbing grin.

Stoking the flames, he enjoyed the slow ascent of the fire. The surrounding elves watched in silence, their faces illuminated by the flickering light.

"Burn witch burn!" a voice from the crowd echoed. "Justice for treason," another joined in. Kera's muscles tightened as the flames began licking at her feet.

A primal, gut-wrenching scream echoed across the courtyard, a haunting melody of agony. The ropes binding her bit into her skin, eliciting a painful wince.

An elf among the crowd had watery, silver eyes, fixed on the burning Kera. It was her father, powerless to act without becoming a traitor himself.

Kera held her father's gaze, tears spilling over her cheeks. His pain mirrored hers, shattering her heart more than the searing heat could.

Her body trembled as the flames danced higher. The heat became unbearable, searing her skin, making her wish for a swift end.

Within her, a spark of magic flickered, but it was weak, stifled by a potent silencing spell. A speculation of hope died as swiftly as it was born.

After a brief struggle, the magic ebbed away, her strength waning with it. The fire roared higher, the scent of her burnt flesh permeating the air.

A collective gasp echoed through the crowd as the roaring flames consumed Kera. The Executioner took a step back, observing his handiwork.

He smirked, reveling in the terror he'd created. The crowd fell silent, the only sound was the crackle of the victorious flames.

Kera's father witnessed his daughter's fiery end. His fists clenched, helpless grief etched in his teary eyes. His heart ached for his lost child.

Kera's haunting screams died down, replaced by the crackling of the fire. The stakes were empty, the consuming flames victorious.

The crowd watched in stunned silence, their cheers replaced by somber quiet. Kera was no more, her presence replaced by the ebony ashes.

Kera's grisly end became a chilling tale whispered in the kingdom. She was marked a traitor, yet her death was a stark reminder of the tyranny.

Each ember of the execution pyre bore the grim tale of Kera. Her end was a symbol of the fatal consequences of defiance, forever etched in history.