The Battle of Phaya Khan Khak

    By warakorn sinlapasart

    The Battle of Phaya Khan Khak cover image

    14 Apr, 2024

    a painting of a frog sitting on a basket in a crowded street with people walking around it and buildings in the background, cloisonnism, a detailed painting, Donato Giancola, highly detailed digital painting

    In the bustling city of Chomphu, Phaya Kankak, the frog king, ruled with unity and cooperation. All villagers respected him, forgetting to pay tributes to the sky and the earth.

    a painting of a village with a bird flying over it and a sunset in the background with a bird flying over the village, fantasy art, a detailed matte painting, Christophe Vacher, city background

    The heavenly ghost, Phaya Taen, became angry as the people neglected to honor him. As a result, he stopped sending rain and blessings to the city, causing a drought and hardship for all.

    a painting of a bird with a large, colorful wing like design on its body and wings, with a city in the background, fantasy art, an airbrush painting, Chris LaBrooy, magic the gathering artwork

    The bird Kan Kak flew to the city of Badalanakh, seeking answers for the disaster that had befallen Chomphu. The demon king Badalanakh explained that the celestial guardian spirits had stopped the nagas from playing in the heavens, causing the drought.

    a painting of a dragon on a wall with a bird flying above it and a temple in the background, fantasy art, a detailed painting, Chris LaBrooy, magic the gathering artwork

    Upon hearing this, Garuda became furious. He ordered the Naga to build a road from the city of Chomphu to the heavenly border town, intending to confront the celestial guardian spirits.

    a painting of a city with a lot of people and animals in it and a lot of buildings and people on the street, naive art, a detailed painting, Ding Guanpeng, highly detailed oil painting

    Various creatures, including bees, wasps, ants, and large animals, joined the Naga and Garuda. They marched in an orderly manner along the newly built road, heading straight up to the heavenly border town.

    a painting of a demon with two other creatures in front of him and a castle in the background with bats, fantasy art, a detailed painting, Art of Brom, highly detailed digital painting

    As the procession reached the heavenly border town, a fierce battle ensued between the Naga and the Garuda. The earth trembled, and the sky echoed with the sound of their clash.

    a painting of a demon with wings and armor on a hill with other people around it and a sky background, fantasy art, a detailed painting, Anne Stokes, magic the gathering artwork

    Eventually, Garuda, realizing the strength of the Naga, raised his hands in surrender. He bowed down to the Naga, requesting to become the protector of the city.

    a painting of a demon with wings and a sword in his hand, with a city in the background, fantasy art, a detailed painting, Anne Stokes, magic the gathering artwork

    Garuda promised to ensure prosperity and bring rain to the human city every year. He then invited the Naga to enter the city peacefully, marking the end of the battle.

    a painting of a group of men in medieval clothing standing in front of a throne with a cross on it, qajar art, a detailed painting, Bapu, regal

    In the royal court of the border town, all the nobles pleaded for mercy and forgiveness. They acknowledged their mistake of neglecting the celestial beings and promised to honor them henceforth.

    a painting of a group of people in a room with a statue of buddha in the center of the room, bengal school of art, a detailed painting, Andrea Pozzo, renaissance oil painting

    The nobles expressed their gratitude towards Garuda and the Naga for their mercy and the promise of prosperity. They vowed to remember this lesson and pass it down to future generations.

    a painting of a frog sitting on a ledge in front of a cityscape with a crown on it, fantasy art, a storybook illustration, Donato Giancola, official art

    Back in the city of Chomphu, Phaya Kankak rejoiced over the outcome of the battle. He was grateful for the sacrifices made by the Garuda and the Naga, and the promise of prosperity and rain they brought.

    a colorful pattern of houses and trees on a blue background with a red roof and yellow flowers on the top, cloisonnism, a detailed painting, Chris LaBrooy, city background

    From that day forward, the city flourished with abundance and happiness. The tale of the battle of Phaya Khan Khak became a legend, reminding everyone of the importance of respect and unity.

    The Battle of Phaya Khan Khak