The Dark Secret
By Jael Tankoo

10 Apr, 2024

In the attic, the girl discovered an ancient book that shimmered with an unnatural darkness. Intrigued, she began to read, unknowingly invoking a dark spell.

The spell, born from ancient magic, made her pregnant. Fear and shame overwhelmed her, causing her to run away from home, leaving everything behind.

Nine months later, her dad found her unconscious in the forest. Shocked and worried, he took her back home, hoping to find answers.

Her brother was equally shocked and confused. Yet, they both knew they had to stick together, for they were the only family each other had.

The in-home nurse helped her through the painful process of childbirth. A boy and a girl were born, but the joy was overshadowed by the lingering fear.

The family was now larger, but so were their problems. The ancient spell had brought with it a dark prophecy, one that threatened their very existence.

The prophecy spoke of 19 killers that would come after them. The family braced themselves, preparing for the inevitable onslaught.

Despite their fear, they stood strong, vowing to protect each other at all costs. The girl, now a mother, felt a surge of determination to protect her children.

The killers came one after the other, relentless and merciless. The family fought hard, pushing back against the darkness that threatened to engulf them.

Despite the odds, they persevered, proving to be a formidable force. Yet, the fight was far from over, the darkest days were yet to come.

The girl, now a warrior, stood at the forefront, her children by her side. They were ready to face whatever came their way, fighting for their right to live.

As they braced themselves for the final battle, they knew not what the future held. But one thing was certain, they would face it together, as a family.