The Golden Egg
By Mahesh Wari

24 Jun, 2024

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between lush green hills, lived a modest couple. They led a simple life, trying to make ends meet through farming.

Their lives took a happy turn when they found a peculiar goose which laid a golden egg every day. The golden eggs became their main source of income.

They got involved in their newfound wealth and it wasn't long before they began to desire more. They wanted to get rich faster and were tantalized by their own greed.

One day, the idea struck them. What if, the goose's insides were made of gold? They could kill the goose and extract all the gold at once.

They huddled over their kitchen table, discussing the idea with fervor, their eyes shining with the thought of all that gold.

After days of contemplation, they finally decided to act on their plan. They were ready to kill the golden egg laying goose.

The man approached the goose, his hands shaking slightly. He took a deep breath and picked up the goose, ignoring its fearful squawks.

His wife stood by the door, biting her lip anxiously. She wasn't completely sure about this, but her husband's confidence reassured her.

Pushing his thoughts, the man held the goose down firmly and with one swift motion, he ended the bird's life.

The couple held their breath as the man opened the goose. Their hearts pounded loudly in their chests, excitement mixed with nervousness.

Their excitement quickly turned to shock and disappointment. Inside the goose, there was no gold - only the regular insides of a bird.

The man dropped his knife as the reality dug in. He looked at his wife, his eyes filled with regret.

The wife slumped down onto the floor, tears filling her eyes. Their shortsightedness had cost them their only source of wealth.

The room was filled with a heavy silence. The only sound was of the wife's quiet sobs, echoing their heartbreak.

They sat together, mourning their loss, realizing the foolishness of their greed. They had killed the goose with the golden eggs.

Their actions had not only cost them their fortune, but also a friend. The playful goose who once roamed their farm was no more.

The man knelt by the lifeless goose, whispering a sorrowful apology. His regret was profound, but it was too late.

The wife joined him, her tears falling onto the limp bird. Their regret was palpable, filling the small kitchen.

The couple realized the gravity of their own greed. They had lost their golden opportunity due to their impatience and despair seized their hearts.

The days that followed were not easy. Their regret was a constant companion, a bitter reminder of their foolishness.

They returned to their regular farm work. It was hard, but they worked sincerely, trying to earn back what they had lost.

The village folks were puzzled by the sudden change in their lifestyle. The couple kept their tragic story a secret, bearing their guilt alone.

Their life was not the same, but they had accepted it. They had learned their lesson the hard way and they promised to never let greed guide their actions.

Despite their hardships, they remained kind and humble. They understood the value of contentment and were grateful for all they had.

They worked diligently, trying to regain their lost fortune. With each passing day, they became stronger, learning to live with their mistakes.

The man would often sit by the goose's grave, speaking softly to it. It was his way of expressing his regret and seeking forgiveness.

The wife would join him, sharing her own regrets. They found comfort in each other's presence, forgiving each other for their past mistakes.

Years passed and the couple grew old, their wealth never returned. But they lived in peace, content with the love and warmth they shared.

They became a symbol of wisdom and humility in their village. Their story, albeit untold, served as a lesson for all — think before you act.

Remember, the goose with the golden eggs is a blessing. Don't let greed take over and make you lose what you already have.

The couple's tale lives on, reminding everyone that it is better to be patient and content, than to be hasty and greedy.

So when you find your goose with the golden eggs, remember to cherish it. It may not be as it appears, and impatience can lead to irreparable loss.

The tale of the couple who lost their goose with golden eggs has been told and retold, serving its moral — Think before you act. May it never be forgotten.

Life is filled with golden opportunities. Let's learn from the couple's mistake and may we all make the most of our golden eggs, appreciating their rare existence.

And so, the tale of the greedy couple lives on. Serving a timeless moral - be content with what you have and never let greed guide your actions.