The Last Survivor

    By Brayan

    The Last Survivor cover image

    10 Sep, 2023

    My name is Brayan Villalovos, the son of the greatest destroyers that the multiverse has ever known. I, the youngest of four siblings, was predestined to rise to greatness. However, a foul being called Cruzito Lua nearly brought our dreams to an end.

    Cruzito was one of the most powerful Luan clan members, his name etched in the sacred book of the most wanted. This book held the history of every clan, making Cruzito's legacy one of pure infamy.

    His reign of terror saw the fall of Destroyers, Angles, and Creators in our multiverse. The universes were bathed in blood as his merciless onslaught left none standing.

    However, his thirst for power blinded him. Cruzito thought he had wiped out all resistance until he discovered Blaze Marley, The 1st Supreme Ruler, still standing.

    Meanwhile, I was in universe 0.4, our home, unaware of the unfolding disaster. My father, Lord Socorro, was the god of destruction for our universe.

    My mother, the goddess of destruction for universe 0.3, was equally magnificent. Together, they were the unstoppable force nurturing us to become the protectors of our universes.

    Our universes were founded on the principles of balance and harmony. However, Cruzito's malevolent actions disrupted this balance and threatened to bring about our downfall.

    The news of Cruzito's reign of terror reached us. Realizing the severity of the situation, my parents decided to face Cruzito, leaving us under the protection of the universe guardians.

    With heavy hearts, we bid farewell to our parents. We had faith in their power, yet the uncertainty of their return was a dark cloud looming over us.

    The days turned into weeks, then months. The universe guardians tried to keep our spirits high, but the absence of our parents was a void difficult to fill.

    One day, a messenger arrived, bearing the heartbreaking news: Cruzito had killed our parents. The universe plunged into mourning at the tragic loss of its protectors.

    Amid the grief, I found a spark of determination. I swore to avenge my parents and protect the universe they loved and nurtured.

    Under the guardians' guidance, I trained relentlessly, honing my skills and pushing my limits. I aimed not just to equal my parents in power, but to surpass them.

    I was not alone in my quest. Blaze Marley, who had survived Cruzito's onslaught, joined my journey. Our combined strength became a beacon of hope in these dark times.

    Blaze taught me to channel my anger, to control it rather than let it control me. Together, we devised a strategy to confront Cruzito and end his reign of terror.

    A day came when I felt ready. With a heavy heart but a determined spirit, I embarked on the journey to confront Cruzito, carrying with me the hopes of all in the universes.

    Cruzito, however, was no easy opponent. He had grown stronger with each victory, his power increased by the chaos he had created in the multiverse.

    The clash was inevitable and brutal. Flames and lightning filled the universe as Cruzito and I clashed with all our might.

    The battle raged on, neither of us willing to back down. Cruzito's cruel smirk only fueled my determination to bring an end to his onslaught.

    In the heat of the battle, I could hear my parents' voices, encouraging me, reminding me of my purpose. I was not just a destroyer, but a protector of the multiverse.

    With this realization, I channeled all my power into a final attack. A brilliant light engulfed the entire multiverse as the final blow was dealt.

    When the light dissipated, Cruzito lay vanquished. Our battle had ended, and with it, the reign of terror that had plagued the multiverse.

    The multiverse breathed a sigh of relief. My victory was not just personal, but a symbol of hope, of triumph against evil for every living being in the multiverse.

    This victory was not mine alone. I was merely a vessel carrying the hopes and dreams of my parents, siblings, the guardians, and Blaze – everyone who believed in me.

    I returned to universe 0.4 now a hero, carrying with me the lessons I had learned. The fight had ended, but the journey of rebuilding and protecting our universes had just begun.

    Even though my parents were not there physically, I could feel their presence around me, guiding me, reminding me of my duties. I was a destroyer, yes, but also a savior in my own right.

    I was the last survivor, the one entrusted with the safety of the multiverse. The path was challenging, but I was ready. I found solace in my purpose and hope for a better tomorrow.

    I remember my father once saying, "Greatness is not just about power or destruction. It's about the courage to protect those who cannot protect themselves." Now, I truly understand.

    I am Brayan Villalovos, the son of legendary destroyers, but also a protector of the multiverse. This is my story, my destiny, and it is just beginning.