The Princess with Mighty Sneezes

    By Peter

    The Princess with Mighty Sneezes cover image

    01 Oct, 2023

    Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, lived a beautiful princess named Seraphina. She had a unique curse; every sneeze from her was a catastrophe.

    A small tickle in her nose could mean the destruction of her beloved castle. A strong sneeze could shatter mountains and even destroy entire kingdoms.

    Seraphina was deeply troubled by her curse. She feared causing harm to her people and her kingdom. She yearned for a normal life, free of this extraordinary burden.

    One day, she heard about a wise old witch who lived deep in the forest. The witch, Melisande, was known for her knowledge of curses and spells.

    Desperate, Seraphina decided to seek Melisande's help. She embarked on a journey through the forest, hoping to find a solution to her problem.

    In the heart of the forest, she found Melisande. Seraphina explained her plight, and the wise old witch listened attentively.

    Melisande agreed to help but warned that the cure might not be easy. The princess, determined, agreed to do whatever it took.

    Melisande led Seraphina to a mystical pond. "The cure lies within," she said, pointing to the shimmering water.

    The princess was instructed to drink from the pond at dawn for seven days. She was also warned not to sneeze during this period.

    Seraphina followed the instructions diligently. She drank from the pond, avoided dust, and held back every sneeze.

    On the sixth day, as she was drinking from the pond, a bee buzzed by her nose. She tried hard but couldn't suppress the sneeze.

    The sneeze was powerful, shattering the silence of the forest. Seraphina feared she had ruined everything.

    She rushed to Melisande, tears streaming down her face. But the witch calmed her down and asked her to continue the ritual.

    On the seventh day, Seraphina drank from the pond without any mishaps. A wave of calmness washed over her.

    She returned to her kingdom, hopeful. She couldn't wait to sneeze and see if the curse was truly lifted.

    Days passed, and Seraphina did not sneeze. She grew worried. Had the cure worked, or had it stopped her from sneezing altogether?

    One chilly morning, she felt a familiar tickle in her nose. Bracing herself, she let out a sneeze.

    But nothing happened. There were no crumbling buildings, no shattered mountains. The kingdom was safe. Seraphina's curse was lifted.

    Overjoyed, she ran through the kingdom, sharing her happiness. The people cheered, relieved that their princess was no longer a threat.

    Seraphina returned to Melisande to thank her. The witch smiled, reminding her that her determination was the real cure.

    The princess learned a valuable lesson - the power to change lies within us. With this newfound wisdom, she led her kingdom to prosperity.

    Life returned to normal in the kingdom. But for Seraphina, things were much better. She no longer lived in fear of her sneezes.

    She was free to live her life, to laugh, to play, and yes, to sneeze. And each sneeze was a reminder of the ordeal she had overcome.

    The tale of the Princess with Mighty Sneezes became a legend, teaching future generations about courage, determination, and the power of self-belief.

    And Seraphina, the brave princess, lived the rest of her days in peace, ruling her kingdom wisely and justly, always remembered for her extraordinary journey.

    The Princess with Mighty Sneezes