The Wisdom of King Solomon

    By Almeck

    The Wisdom of King Solomon cover image

    29 Oct, 2023

    In the ancient city of Jerusalem, a young king named Solomon ascended the throne. He was known for his humility and sharp intellect. Solomon prayed fervently for wisdom to rule his kingdom judiciously.

    One night, Solomon had a dream. In it, God appeared to him and asked what he desired most. Solomon did not ask for wealth or long life but for wisdom.

    Impressed by Solomon's humility and selflessness, God granted him the wisdom he sought, along with wealth and honor. Solomon woke up, realizing it was a divine encounter.

    Solomon began to demonstrate his wisdom in various ways. His fair judgments were loved by the people, and his fame spread throughout the land.

    One day, two women came to Solomon with a baby, each claiming to be the mother. The king listened carefully to their stories, his face thoughtful.

    Solomon thought deeply, trying to determine the truth. He then ordered his soldier to bring a sword and divide the child in two, giving half to each woman.

    Upon hearing this, one woman cried out, begging Solomon to spare the child and give it to the other woman. The other woman agreed to Solomon's decision.