The Possessed ChildBy jodie88 quayle

The Possessed Child
By jodie88 quayle
Created on 09 Sep, 2023

Max's life was normal until that fateful night. Living with his mum and older brother, he inhabited a world of school, football practices, and comic books. Little did he know, his reality was about to take a dark turn.

The voice Max heard one night startled him. It seemed to be beckoning him from the basement. It was commanding yet melodic, causing him to wake up from his deep slumber.

Max got up and walked towards the basement door. He stood there for a moment, and then he heard the voice again. It had a strange rhythm that lulled him into a hypnotic trance.

As if being controlled by an external force, Max opened the basement door. He was not afraid; in fact, he was oddly calm. Inside, a figure awaited him, a childlike demon.

The demon greeted Max, and without hesitation, Max replied in the same hypnotic voice. He was unaware of the reality of the situation; he was about to be possessed.

The demon took control of Max. It was a subtle possession; Max didn't feel a thing nor did he know that he was now a host to a demon.

The possessed Max returned to his room and sat on his bed, staring blankly at his wall. His reality had been upended, yet he didn't realise it.

The next morning, Max's behaviour began to change. He stopped playing football and lost interest in his comic books. Even his constant smile was missing, replaced by a blank look.

Mum noticed Max's change and tried talking to him. However, Max would merely stare blankly, offering no response, driving a sense of worry into his mother's heart.

Michael also noticed Max's unusual behaviour. He attempted to engage Max with their favourite video games, but Max seemed disinterested. Michael felt a sense of dread.

Days turned into weeks, and Max continued to act strangely. He would spend long hours just staring at the walls, lost in his own world. His family was concerned.

One day, Michael decided to investigate Max's room. As he entered, he felt an eerie chill. The room felt different, cold and uninviting.

A week later, Mum decided to take Max to a doctor. Despite thorough examinations and tests, the doctor found nothing physically wrong with Max. It was a mystery.

One night, Max spoke for the first time in weeks. His voice was strange, and his words were incoherent. His mother knew then that something was terribly wrong.

Michael, overhearing Max's strange speech, felt a chill run down his spine. Remembering the coldness of Max's room, he began to suspect something supernatural at play.

Michael began researching exorcism and possession. The symptoms matched Max's behaviour. He shared his findings with his mum, who was hesitant but desperate for a solution.

A local priest was called upon to examine Max. As soon as he entered the room, he could sense the demonic presence. He agreed - Max was possessed.

The priest began the exorcism, praying and calling upon the demon to leave Max's body. It was a tense atmosphere as the battle for Max's soul began.

The demon didn't want to leave its host and fought back, using Max's body as its vessel. Max cried out in pain, causing his mother's tears to flow.

Michael, standing tall, held onto his mum as they prayed for Max. This was a fight they had to win, for they couldn't lose Max to this entity.

The exorcism continued for hours. It was a hard-fought battle, but the priest's prayers eventually started overpowering the demon, weakening its control over Max.

Finally, with one last roar, the demon was expelled from Max's body. Max collapsed, exhausted but free. His family wept tears of relief and gratitude.

Max was taken to the hospital for a thorough check-up. After a few days of rest and care, he began to regain his strength. His smile slowly returned.

Max, however, had no memory of his possession, the exorcism, or the demon. It was as if he had woken up from a long, bewildering dream.

Max returned home, his life slowly resuming normalcy. He started attending school, playing football, and was once again engrossed in his comic books.

His family was careful not to bring up the unfortunate incident, to let Max fully recover. They watched over him, happy to see him back to his normal self.

Max's mum, although relieved, still couldn't shake off the fear. She decided to have the house blessed to ward off any residual negative energies.

Michael, too, carried the experience with him. It had changed him and deepened the bond he shared with his younger brother. They had faced a demon and survived.

Max continued to live his life, unaware of what he had been through. He was a survivor, a symbol of hope and persistence. To his family, he was their miracle.

The story of the 10-year old boy who got possessed and then freed serves as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit. Max's journey from possession to liberation was nothing short of a miracle.

The Possessed Child
AI Horror Stories