Blessings of Loki's Children

    By Storybird

    Blessings of Loki's Children cover image

    16 Sep, 2023

    Alex Fierro, the gender-fluid child of Loki, gritted their teeth as they pushed, their husband Magnus by their side. Sam, Loki's Muslim daughter, was assisting with the birth.

    The birthing room was filled with tense anticipation. As the baby started crowning, Sam gently felt the baby’s head.

    "Alex, can you feel that?" Sam asked, her hand gently cradling the baby's head. Alex gasped and nodded, a bead of sweat trickling down their forehead.

    “She’s got a head full of dark brown hair,” Sam announced with a smile, her eyes glinting with joy. The room erupted in cheers.

    As Alex pushed, Magnus tightened his arm around them, trying to offer as much comfort as possible. "You're doing great, Alex," he murmured.

    After a few more minutes of pushing, a loud cry filled the room. Their baby girl, Natalie Fierro-Chase, had come into the world.

    Natalie was quickly cleaned and wrapped in a baby blue hijab, honoring her mother Sam's Muslim faith. The room was filled with coos and awws as they admired the baby.

    Exhausted but content, Alex finally allow themselves to drift off to sleep, their hand loosely holding Magnus's. Their family was complete.

    A few minutes later, the door creaked open and a group of their closest friends tiptoed in. Mallory, Half-born Gunderson, and Robin, Mallory and Gunderson's daughter, were the first to enter.

    "Oh, she's beautiful," Mallory whispered, her hand reaching out to gently touch Natalie's cheek. Half-born nodded, his eyes misty.

    Robin, her eyes wide with wonder, just stared at the baby. "She's so small," she murmured, her voice filled with awe.

    Blitzen, a dwarf, and his husband Hearthstone, an elf, arrived next, their two-month-old son Hero nestled comfortably in Hearthstone's carry.

    Hearthstone gently rocked Hero who was asleep in his arms, while Blitzen fussed over Natalie, admiring her hair. They all shared their blessings and well wishes.

    Sam looked on at the assembled crowd of loved ones, her heart swelling with joy. This was more than a birth—it was a union, a celebration of love and family.

    They all took turns to hold Natalie, each one whispering a word of blessing, a promise, a dream for the baby. It was a precious, tender moment.

    It was late in the night when everyone finally left, leaving the new parents alone with their baby. Magnus looked at Alex, his eyes welling up with love and admiration.

    "We did it, Alex," he whispered, leaning in to lightly kiss their forehead. They held each other, holding Natalie between them, letting the moment sink in.

    Natalie gurgled and cooed in her sleep, a tiny hand wrapping itself around Magnus's finger. It was a small gesture, but it filled their hearts with a warmth that was indescribable.

    As they watched their child sleep, Magnus and Alex knew that they had been blessed. They had a beautiful daughter, a supportive family, and each other.

    Loki, the trickster God, may have been a chaotic character, but his children — Sam, Alex, and now Natalie — were the true blessings he bestowed upon the world.

    The dawn crept in, casting a golden light over the new family. As Alex and Magnus fell asleep, their fingers entwined, they knew they were ready for the new chapter that awaited them.

    They were parents now, entrusted with the care of a precious life. And they were more than prepared for the journey, knowing they'll face it together, as a family.

    The birth of Natalie Fierro-Chase — a child born of love, hope, and resilience — was indeed a blessing, a joyous addition to the family of Loki's children.

    As for Natalie, love and acceptance would always be an integral part of her, as it is in her parents. She was born into a world that was ready to love her.

    And thus, amidst all the chaos and unpredictability of life, the blessings of Loki's Children continue to permeate the world, making it a tad bit softer, a tad bit kinder.

    Blessings of Loki's Children