The Haunting of Yuki
By Storybird

10 Sep, 2023

Yuki's breaths came in ragged gasps, her heart pounded in her chest as if it were trying to flee. Yuki's terrified eyes darted around the room searching for ways to escape.

The door began to splinter under the assault of the ghouls. Yuki forced herself to her feet, ignoring the sharp pain in her lower back. Her babies had to survive.

Yuki started to construct a makeshift rope out of curtains and bed sheets she found in the room. Fear and adrenaline were the only things distracting her from the pain of her contractions.

The door finally gave way, and the ghouls flooded into the room. Yuki let out a blood-curdling scream as she tied the last knot in her makeshift rope.

Yuki secured the rope to the leg of a heavy oak desk. She gave one last look behind her, seeing the blood-red eyes of the ghouls, before throwing herself out of the window.

Cold wind whipped past Yuki as she hurtled towards the ground. A scream tore from her lips as her body jerked to a halt, her makeshift rope holding her suspended in mid-air.

High above her, the ghouls stood watching. She could see their cracked skin in the moonlight, their gleaming red eyes filled with bloodlust. They howled in frustration, unable to reach her.

Yuki began to carefully shimmy down her rope. She could feel the contractions getting worse, and her fight for survival was prolonging her labor.

After what felt like hours, her feet finally hit the ground. Exhausted but determined, she started to stumble towards an old well hidden in the mansion's overgrown garden.

Yuki let out a sigh of relief when she realized the well was dry. She climbed into it, hiding from the ghouls as she prepared to give birth to her triplets.

After what felt like an eternity, her first child was born. The baby girl let out a loud cry, echoing inside the well. Yuki sobbed, both from pain and relief.

Yuki held her baby close, wrapping her in a piece of her blouse. The girl was small, fragile, yet so full of life. Yuki felt a renewed surge of determination and love.

The labor pains hit her again, even harder than before. She gritted her teeth, cradling her baby girl as she prepared to bring the second child into the world.

The second child, another baby girl, came with a lot more struggle. The baby let out a soft whimper, much quieter than the first. Yuki kissed her forehead, whispering soft words.

All while, the ghouls had been howling outside the well, their frustrated cries growing louder. Yuki knew time was running out. She had to leave the well soon.

The third child, a baby boy, came last. He was a fighter, just like his mother. Yuki held all three of her children close to her and closed her eyes, praying for a miracle.

As dawn broke over the mansion, sunlight filled the well. To Yuki's surprise and relief, the ghouls could not stand the sunlight. They retreated, wailing, back into the mansion.

Yuki sobbed in gratitude, her tears dripping onto her babies. She climbed out of the well, holding her three miracles close. She knew they had a long journey ahead.

The path through the overgrown garden was rough, but Yuki pressed on. Despite everything, she felt an overwhelming sense of joy. Her babies were alive, and they were safe.

Yuki knew they were not out of danger yet. The mansion still loomed, and the ghouls would return with nightfall. She had to find a safe place before then.

She found an abandoned cottage in the nearby woods. It was small, but it was shelter. Yuki settled her babies in and collapsed from exhaustion.

Yuki spent the next few days nursing her babies and recovering from her ordeal. She knew she would have to leave soon, but for now, they were safe.

As the days turned into weeks, Yuki started to regain her strength. She grew more confident in her new role as a mother and her babies grew stronger every day.

The haunted mansion, once a symbol of her terror, now stood as a reminder of her strength. Yuki had survived the night, and she would continue to survive for her children.

Yuki's story spread throughout the nearby villages. People began to approach her, offering help and support. Her struggle had brought her an unexpected community.

Eventually, Yuki left the cottage with her triplets. She was received warmly by the village, her strength and bravery admired by all. Even in the face of danger, she had found a home.

Yuki and her children thrived in the village. They were loved and protected by the people who admired Yuki's courage. And the mansion remained, a reminder of the journey that led them there.