The Time-Traveling Trio: The Riddle of the Restless Mummy

    By Victor Peter

    The  Time-Traveling  Trio: The Riddle of the Restless Mummy cover image

    21 Jul, 2023

    Once upon a time, in a small suburban neighborhood, three adventurous friends named Max, Lily, and Sam stumbled upon a mysterious time-traveling device. Curiosity got the best of them, and they couldn't resist the temptation to test it out. With a puff of smoke and a burst of light, the trio found themselves transported to ancient Egypt, a land of towering pyramids and majestic pharaohs.

    As Max, Lily, and Sam took in the sights and sounds of this mystical land, they felt a surge of excitement and wonder. They walked along the sandy banks of the Nile River, marveling at the massive structures that loomed in the distance. The trio soon stumbled upon an ancient burial ground, hidden beneath the golden sands. Unable to resist their adventurous nature, they decided to explore its depths.

    Unbeknownst to the trio, their footsteps awakened a mummy that had been in a deep slumber for centuries. As the mummy rose from its resting place, it let out a bone-chilling moan that sent shivers down their spines. Panicking, Max, Lily, and Sam desperately searched for a way to calm the disturbed mummy and put it back to rest.

    Suddenly, a voice echoed through the chamber, revealing an inscription on the tomb walls. "Solve the riddles three, and the mummy shall be at peace," it whispered cryptically. Max, Lily, and Sam knew they had to solve these riddles if they wanted to return the mummy to its eternal slumber and escape the wrath of its ancient curse.

    The first riddle appeared before them, written in ancient hieroglyphics. Max, being the cleverest of the trio, deciphered the puzzle. "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?" he exclaimed. The answer was the wind itself, and as Max spoke it aloud, a gust of wind swept through the chamber, soothing the mummy's unrest.

    With the first riddle solved, Max, Lily, and Sam could feel the ancient curse's grip on the mummy weakening. Encouraged, they pressed on to the second riddle, longing to restore peace to the ancient tomb. This time, it was Lily's turn to shine. "I am taken from a mine, and shut in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every human. What am I?" Lily confidently proclaimed. The answer was a pencil, symbolizing the knowledge and creativity of humankind.

    As Lily's answer echoed through the chamber, a soft golden light enveloped the mummy. It seemed almost grateful for their efforts. Knowing they were one riddle away from success, the trio turned their attention to the final challenge. The pressure mounted and all eyes turned to Sam, hoping he would unravel the mystery.

    Sam focused intensely on the hieroglyphics that formed the last riddle. After a few moments of quiet contemplation, enlightenment struck him. "I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water. What am I?" he declared. The answer was a map, representing the vast lands and adventures that awaited them beyond ancient Egypt.

    As the last riddle's answer left Sam's lips, an ethereal calm washed over the ancient burial chamber. The mummy's once raging spirit now settled into a peaceful slumber, free from the disturbance caused by the trio's curious exploration. Max, Lily, and Sam breathed a sigh of relief, their mission accomplished.

    With the mummy back at rest, the time-traveling device transported Max, Lily, and Sam back to their suburban neighborhood. They were left with priceless memories of their adventure in ancient Egypt, promising themselves to cherish those moments forever. Though they returned to their normal lives, the trio couldn't help but wonder where their next journey through time would take them.

    The Time-Traveling Trio: The Riddle of the Restless Mummy