A Secret Love

    By Storybird

    A Secret Love cover image

    02 Sep, 2023

    Frankie was in the middle of dinner when his phone buzzed. It was Rex, and he sounded upset. "Hey, my mom just kicked me out. I don't have a shirt on. Please help," Rex whimpered, barely holding back his tears.

    Frankie's mind raced as he grabbed his keys. "Stay right there, I'm coming," he said, rushing out of the house. He ignored his family's curious stares; Rex needed him.

    Frankie found Rex hunched over a bench, hiding his chest with his crossed arms. His face was tear-streaked, and he looked terrified. Frankie took off his jean vest and handed it to Rex.

    Rex quickly slipped on the vest, thankful for the coverage. "Thank you," he mumbled, his voice shaky. Frankie gave him a gentle smile, silently reassuring him.

    "You're safe now, Rex," Frankie said. He wrapped an arm around Rex's shoulders and they walked towards his car. "Let's go to my place. My family won't mind," Frankie promised.

    They drove in silence, both lost in their thoughts. Rex's hand rested on his lap while Frankie's were firmly on the wheel, his eyes focused on the road.

    Upon arrival, Frankie's siblings were curious about their guest. Frankie gave them a look that screamed 'not now.' They understood and stayed out of their way.

    Frankie led Rex to his room, offering some of his clothes. "You can stay here tonight, Rex," he said. Rex nodded, grateful to have such an understanding boyfriend.

    Later that night, Rex curled up in Frankie's bed. "Your family seems nice," he murmured. "Yeah, they're alright," Frankie said, ruffling Rex's hair affectionally.

    The next day, Rex's sister Jessica called. She was sassy but sweet, and fiercely protective of Rex. "I'll talk to mom, don't worry," she promised Rex.

    When Jessica hung up, Rex felt a bit more at ease. Frankie patted his shoulder comfortingly, "Things will be fine, Rex. You're not alone in this," he assured him.

    Over the next few days, Rex lived with Frankie. They kept their relationship under wraps, as it was safer that way. Rex's situation at home remained precarious.

    Frankie and Rex managed to lead a semblance of normality, despite the circumstances. They'd spend their evenings watching movies or chatting under the starry sky.

    Finally, Jessica called with good news. Their mom was ready to talk and wanted Rex to come home. Rex was nervous but Frankie was there to support him.

    Frankie drove Rex home, squeezing his hand encouragingly. "You're strong, Rex. Remember that," he whispered. Rex took a deep breath, ready to face his mother.

    That night, Frankie waited anxiously for Rex's call. It came hours later, Rex sounding exhausted but relieved. "I'm home, Frankie. She's trying to understand."

    Frankie sighed, feeling the weight lift off his shoulders. "That's good news, Rex," he said, glad that things were looking up. But their journey was far from over.

    Over time, Rex's mom tried to understand her son's identity. She had her own struggles, but Jessica helped bridge the communication gap between Rex and their mom.

    Frankie and Rex continued their secret relationship. They found solace in each other, growing stronger with every challenge they faced. Their love was a beacon of light in their life.

    Rex gradually began feeling comfortable in his own skin. Having Frankie by his side helped him find his own voice. Frankie was his rock, his safe haven.

    Frankie was also growing. He was learning to balance his love for Rex and his duty towards his own family. It was a delicate balance, but he managed.

    Despite every obstacle, Frankie and Rex found happiness in their love for each other. Their secret relationship was an unspoken pact, a promise to stand by each other.

    Rex's voice grew stronger, and his self-confidence soared with every passing day. Frankie's love and support played a major role in his journey of self-discovery.

    Frankie was learning too. About love, acceptance, sacrifice. He was growing as an individual and as a partner. His relationship with Rex was teaching him life's important lessons.

    Hidden from the world, their love blossomed. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it. Every challenge they faced solidified their bond, making them unstoppable.

    Rex's journey wasn't over. Neither was Frankie's. But as long as they had each other, they could face anything. Their love was their secret weapon.

    As the days passed, they faced the world together. With every shared smile, every comforting hug; they were cementing a force that was unbreakable. Their secret love was their strength.

    Frankie and Rex's story is one of resilience, courage and undying love. In their secret sanctuary, they found the strength to face the world and be who they truly were. Their love story was truly unique.