The Betrayal of the Small Steam Engine
By henrytheherry

09 Apr, 2024

The small steam engine, with its engineer aboard, set out from the shunting yard. It was on a mission to find the old, abandoned tracks it had heard rumors about.

It chuffed along the tracks, pushing its way through thick bushes and overgrown vegetation. The sun began to set, casting long shadows on the rusty tracks.

The small steam engine continued its journey, determined to reach the mountain's peak. Its whistle echoed in the quiet night as it chuffed along the deserted tracks.

Suddenly, it started leaking water. The engine overheated, and it broke down next to an old, abandoned station. Stranded and alone, it whistled out for help.

In response to the small engine's distress call, a big, scary steam engine emerged from the darkness. It offered to take the engineer over the mountain.

"Trust me, little one," said the big engine, displaying a friendly facade. The small engine, desperate and trusting, agreed to let the big engine help.

The big steam engine, with a sinister chuckle, shoved the small engine off the tracks. It then chuffed away, leaving the small engine stranded and betrayed.

The small engine lay by the tracks, its spirit broken. It felt a deep pain of betrayal, but it also felt a spark of determination ignite within.

The small engine decided it wouldn't let this setback define its journey. It gathered its strength and started repairing itself, bit by bit.

Days turned into nights, and nights into days. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the small engine was ready to chuff again.

The small engine started its journey once again. This time, it was stronger, wiser, and more determined. The mountain peak didn't seem so far away anymore.

The small steam engine finally reached the mountain's peak, proving that size isn't a measure of strength. It triumphed over betrayal and showed the true power of resilience.