The Royal Flush
By José Manuel

21 Feb, 2024

The Loud house was in chaos. The mischievous Kitty had entered the house, causing a ruckus. Lynn, the athletic sibling, was the first to confront the feline. She roared and ran towards a rope, calling out for help from her sister, Lucy.

Lucy, codenamed 'Eight of Spades,' threw a spear at the rope. The spear hit its target, sending Lynn flying upwards. Lori, the eldest sibling, quickly took charge and went to retrieve the boys - Lincoln and Clyde.

Meanwhile, Lynn used the momentum from the rope to kick the Kitty off balance. As the Kitty fell, Lisa, the little genius of the family, confronted it. With a confident "Hi-ya!" she brandished her abacus.

The Kitty lunged at Lisa, but she threw her abacus at him. He was hit by it, making him fall to the ground. Lisa grinned, "Oh, never mind. It's actually quite effective." Lori, meanwhile, was busy cleaning the boys from the hairballs.

"Ew, gross! Hairballs! I thought it was Lana’s Job to deal with these," Lori said in disgust. Lana, hearing her name, looked over and said, "Save me one would ya." But then, she saw the Kitty hissing at her.

Lana, codenamed 'Royal Flush,' approached the Kitty. She tried to calm the Kitty, "Aww, you're such a cute boy. Why are you so feisty? Do you need a hug?" But the Kitty had other plans.

Suddenly, the Kitty shrank himself and entered Lana's mouth. He took control of her voice, speaking with his own, "Yes, now I have your Royal flush suit." The others were in shock, especially Lola.

Lola asked worriedly, "Lana, are you okay?" The Kitty, using Lana's voice, replied, "I'm more than okay, Lola. I'm in control now!" The Loud siblings realized they were in deeper trouble than they initially thought.

Despite the shocking turn of events, the Loud siblings didn't give up. They grouped together, each of them determined to save their home and their sister. Meanwhile, the Kitty continued to wreak havoc in Lana's body.

Lincoln, the 'Man with the Plan,' quickly devised a strategy. He instructed each sibling on their roles. Lori would distract the Kitty, while Lisa would work on a device to extract the Kitty from Lana.

Lynn and Lucy were tasked with keeping the Kitty in one place. Meanwhile, Lola was instructed to comfort Lana, ensuring she didn't panic. The plan was set, and everyone moved into their positions.

Lori, using her charm, started distracting the Kitty. Lisa, meanwhile, worked tirelessly on her device. She knew she had to be quick; Lana's body could only endure the Kitty's presence for so long.

Lynn and Lucy managed to corner the Kitty, preventing him from causing further chaos. Lola held Lana's hand, whispering soothing words to her. The plan was working, but they needed to act fast.

Lisa finally completed her device. She aimed it at Lana and activated it. The device emitted a strange sound, and slowly, the Kitty began to emerge from Lana's body, looking dizzy and weak.

Lana, now free from the Kitty's control, collapsed. Lola and Lincoln quickly caught her. Lori, Lynn, and Lucy approached the weakened Kitty, ready to ensure it wouldn't cause any more trouble.

"This is your last stop, Kitty," Lori declared. The Kitty, too weak to fight back, was captured. Lincoln, holding the Kitty, assured the others, "He won't be causing any more trouble."

With the threat finally gone, the Loud siblings sighed in relief. Lana, now recovered, joked, "I guess I won't be eating any strange things for a while." They all laughed, grateful for their victory.

That night, the Loud house was peaceful once again. The siblings all sat together, sharing stories of their adventure and laughing. Even after such a chaotic day, they knew they could always count on each other.

The Loud siblings realized that when they worked together, they could overcome any challenge. Their bond had been tested and proven strong. They fell asleep that night with smiles on their faces, knowing they had each other's backs.

And so, the Loud siblings learned an important lesson that day. Despite their differences and unique talents, they were strongest when they worked together. And no matter what the next day brought, they knew they could face it - as long as they had each other.