Lazy John
By Angeline

06 Nov, 2023

There was a boy named John who was so lazy, he couldn’t even bother to change his clothes. He would spend his days lounging around, avoiding any kind of work. He was known in the neighborhood as Lazy John.

One sunny day, John noticed that the apple tree in their yard was full of ripe, juicy apples. The tree was tall and sturdy, with its branches reaching high into the sky.

John wanted to eat some of those apples, but he was too lazy to climb the tree and pick them. The thought of the effort made him sigh. Instead, he decided to lay underneath the tree, hoping that an apple would fall.

He lay there for hours, watching the apples sway in the wind. He could almost taste the sweet and tangy flavor. But no matter how hard he wished, none of the apples fell.

His stomach began to growl, but still, he did not move. He hoped that his luck would change and an apple would fall. But as the sun began to set, John realized that his plan had failed.

John learned a valuable lesson that day. He realized that being lazy wouldn't get him anywhere. If he wanted something, he would have to put in some effort. From that day forward, John was no longer known as Lazy John.

The story of Lazy John serves as a reminder to all of us that there is no substitute for hard work. Sometimes, we have to climb the tree ourselves to enjoy the sweet fruits of success.