Loyan's Fruity Adventure


Loyan's Fruity Adventure
By Saida
Created on 22 Oct, 2023
Loyan's Fruity Adventure cover image
Once upon a time in the heart of Somalia, there lived a bright little boy named Loyan. His dark skin and curly afro hair made him a delightful sight for all who knew him.
Loyan was captivated by the variety of fruits Nanny Vera would bring home. Each fruit was a new world of shape, colour, and taste to explore.
"This is an apple," Nanny Vera would explain, presenting a bright, red fruit. Loyan would echo, "Apple," his eyes sparkling with curiosity.
Aunt Anisa would often join in. She would bring exotic fruits from the market, like dragon fruit or starfruit, and help Loyan learn their names.
When Loyan's father came home, he would ask, "What did you learn today, Loyan?" Loyan would proudly show him the fruits and say their names.
One day, Nanny Vera brought a large, spiky fruit. "This is a pineapple," she said. Loyan giggled and repeated, "Pineapple!"
The following day, Aunt Anisa introduced a fruit with a funny name. "This is a kiwi," she said, and Loyan burst into laughter. "Kiwi!" he echoed.
When Loyan's father returned that evening, Loyan eagerly shared his new knowledge. "Pineapple! Kiwi!" he exclaimed. His father laughed and praised him.
Time passed, and Loyan learned about many fruits - oranges, bananas, strawberries, and even pomegranates.
One day, Loyan, Nanny Vera, Aunt Anisa, and Loyan's father sat together, surrounded by all the fruits Loyan had learned about. "I love fruits," said Loyan, grinning widely.
They all shared a laugh, happy to see Loyan's joy and passion for learning. This was just the beginning of Loyan's fruity adventure in learning English, but it was already brimming with so much fun and love.



Loyan's Fruity Adventure

Join Loyan, a curious 2-year-old boy from Somalia, as he embarks on a fruit-filled journey to learn English with his nanny, aunt, and daddy.


3 Stories