Noah and the Great Flood
By Alan Paiva

04 Nov, 2023

Once upon a time, there lived a man named Noah. He was a good man, a faithful man, who always did his best to be kind and fair.

Noah lived in a world where not everyone was so good. People were mean and selfish, and they often hurt each other. This made Noah very sad.

One day, God spoke to Noah. He told Noah that he was going to send a great flood to cleanse the earth of all the wickedness.

God instructed Noah to build a large ark. He gave Noah specific instructions, telling him how big the ark should be and what it should be made of.

Noah did as God commanded. He began to build the ark. It was a huge task, but Noah was determined to do as God had asked.

As Noah was building the ark, God told him to gather two of every kind of animal. He had to ensure that every species was represented on the ark.

It was a lot of work, but Noah did as God commanded. He gathered the animals, two by two, and brought them onto the ark.

Finally, the ark was complete. Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives all boarded the ark, along with all the animals.

Then, the rains came. It rained for forty days and forty nights. The water rose higher and higher, covering everything on the earth.

But Noah, his family, and the animals were safe on the ark. They had food and shelter, and they waited for the rains to stop.

After the rain stopped, the water started to recede. However, it took a long time for the earth to dry out.

Noah sent out a dove to see if the water had receded. The dove returned with an olive leaf in its beak, a sign that the earth was drying out.

Finally, after a year on the ark, Noah, his family, and the animals were able to leave the ark. They were the only ones left on the earth.

Noah was grateful to God for saving them. He built an altar and offered sacrifices, thanking God for his mercy.

God was pleased with Noah's faithfulness. He promised Noah that he would never again destroy the earth with a flood.

God also blessed Noah and his family, and told them to be fruitful and multiply. He gave them the earth to fill and to rule over.

God then made a covenant with Noah. He set a rainbow in the sky as a sign of his promise to never again destroy the earth with a flood.

Noah and his family were grateful for God's mercy and his promises. They lived the rest of their lives in peace, always remembering the great flood and the lessons they learned.

Today, whenever we see a rainbow in the sky, we are reminded of God's promises to Noah and his mercy towards us. It is a beautiful reminder of God's love for all his creations.

This story teaches us about faith, obedience, and God's mercy. Noah's obedience saved him and his family, and God's mercy spared them from the flood.

It also reminds us of the importance of caring for all creatures. Noah took care of all the animals, ensuring their survival. We too have a responsibility to care for all living things.

Let's strive to be like Noah, always doing what is right, even when it is difficult. And let's always remember the rainbow, a sign of God's promise and his love for us.

So, next time when you see a rainbow in the sky, remember the story of Noah and the great flood. It's a story of faith, love, and God's mercy.

And remember, just like Noah, we can make a difference in the world by being kind, caring, and always doing what is right. We can be a beacon of hope and love, just like Noah.

So, let's be the best we can be, and always strive to do what is right. Let's be kind and caring, just like Noah, and make the world a better place.