Red Riding Hood's Adventure

    By Super Seguro Auto

    Red Riding Hood's Adventure cover image

    24 Feb, 2024

    a girl in a red cape walking down a path in the woods with a red hood on her head, magical realism, a storybook illustration, Clarice Beckett, octopath traveler

    Once upon a time, in a small village lived a young girl named Red Riding Hood. She was named so because of the vibrant red cloak she wore every day.

    a girl in a red cloak holding a basket of apples in a forest with a wolf nearby on a sunny day, fantasy art, concept art, Ayako Rokkaku, official art

    Red Riding Hood was very close to her grandmother who lived in a small cottage on the other side of the forest. One day, her mother asked her to take a basket of food to her ailing grandmother.

    a girl in a red cape walking down a path in the woods with a dog on a leash behind her, sots art, concept art, Akihiko Yoshida, official art

    Always eager to help, Red Riding Hood immediately agreed. Her mother warned her not to stray from the path and to avoid talking to strangers.

    a little girl standing next to a wolf in a forest with red leaves on the trees and a wolf in the background, furry art, poster art, Ayami Kojima, official art

    As she was walking through the forest, she was suddenly approached by a cunning wolf. The wolf was intrigued by the little girl in the red cloak.

    a little red riding hood holding a basket of fruit next to a wolf in the woods with a red cape, fantasy art, a storybook illustration, Anne Stokes, trending on art station

    The wolf asked her where she was going. Innocently, Red Riding Hood told him about her sick grandmother and the food she was taking for her.

    a girl in a red cloak walking down a forest path with a dog on a leash behind her,, furry art, concept art, Anne Said, official art

    The cunning wolf suggested a shortcut to her grandmother's house. Unaware of his intentions, Red Riding Hood thanked him and took the path he suggested.

    a wolf dressed in a blue dress standing in a living room with a red scarf around his neck and a red scarf around his neck, furry art, a character portrait, Bourgeois, official art

    Meanwhile, the wolf took the usual path and reached her grandmother's house before her. He tricked her grandmother, devoured her, and disguised himself in her clothes.

    a woman sitting in front of a fire place in a room with a fireplace and a red cape on, sots art, a storybook illustration, Clarice Beckett, official art

    Red Riding Hood, upon reaching her grandmother's house, noticed something strange. Her grandmother seemed different, but she couldn't quite figure out what was amiss.

    a woman in a red cape sitting on a bed in a room with a window and a bed spread, neo-romanticism, a storybook illustration, disney, official art

    She approached the bed and began questioning her grandmother. She asked about her big ears, big eyes, big hands, and a big mouth.

    a girl in a red cloak with a cat on her head and a cat on her shoulder, in a room with a window, sots art, a character portrait, Anne Said, rpg portrait

    The wolf, pretending to be her grandmother, provided convincing answers. But when he revealed his big mouth to eat her, she screamed.

    a man in a forest with a bow and arrow in his hand and a bow in his hand, with a forest background, rayonism, a character portrait, Eizan Kikukawa, official art

    Luckily, a passing hunter heard her scream. He found it strange to hear such a sound coming from the old lady's house and decided to check.

    a wolf with a leather jacket and a bow in a cabin with a window and a lamp on the table, furry art, a character portrait, Cedric Seaut (Keos Masons), official art

    Upon entering, he saw the wolf, pretending to be the grandmother, with a very large belly. Recognizing the danger, he quickly formulated a plan.

    a girl in a red cloak holding a bow and a wolf in the background with a forest full of trees, furry art, concept art, Ayami Kojima, official art

    The hunter carefully cut open the wolf's belly with his sharp knife and to his relief, found Red Riding Hood and her grandmother safe inside.

    a girl sitting on a rock with two wolfs in the background and a red hood on her head, furry art, a storybook illustration, Cyril Rolando, official art

    After they were freed, they filled the wolf's belly with large stones. When the wolf woke up, he was unable to move because of the weight in his belly.