Roblox Wheel of Fortune
By nancyellis45

12 Apr, 2024

Landon enthusiastically greeted his viewers, his voice echoing through the digital world of Roblox. 'What's going on guys! Welcome back to another episode of Roblox. Today, we're going to play Wheel of Fortune!'

'Let's start with the toss-up round. I'll help you with this one.' Landon said, his digital avatar standing in front of the glowing Wheel of Fortune on the screen.

The game got more intense as the wheel spun. Gracie scored $5300, while Landon managed to accumulate $7050. 'And you got... oh, I got a close money!' Landon exclaimed, his score rising to $9050.

The final spin arrived, and Landon explained the rules. 'You can get RSTLNE for free and you can solve the consonants and the vowel. You just have to answer the question right and you can solve!'

'So you got RSTLNE, let's see if we can solve this!' Landon said, encouraging his viewers. 'You didn't pick a consonant? No, I got a vowel! World! 20 seconds! Good luck!'

With a triumphant shout, Landon solved the puzzle. 'Welcome to Bloxburg!' he exclaimed, and the digital crowd erupted in cheers. 'Yay, you did it! You got an extra 44 thousand dollars!'

'Woohoo! Thanks for playing, guys!' Landon shouted, his avatar dancing in the virtual world. 'Thank you all, really. I appreciate you joining in.'

As the game ended, Landon signed off. 'That's the end of this video, guys! If you enjoyed it, hit the subscribe button below and turn on notifications. Thanks, and see you in the next episode!'