The Alien Coloring Book Adventure

    By Luciano Hansen

    The Alien Coloring Book Adventure cover image

    29 Mar, 2024

    a boy sitting on a curb looking at the stars in the sky above him and a street with houses, space art, a comic book panel, Asaf Hanuka, yukito kishiro

    In a quiet neighborhood, a young boy sat alone under the stars. His heart ached with loneliness as he had no friends to share his thoughts with.

    a boy sitting on the ground in front of a full moon and stars filled sky with a full moon, space art, a storybook illustration, Aaron Jasinski, rossdraws global illumination

    Suddenly, the sky lit up with a bright light. It was so bright that it turned the dark night into day. The boy's eyes widened in surprise and curiosity.

    a boy in a green space suit standing in front of a space station with a bunch of spaceships, space art, a storybook illustration, Asaf Hanuka, comic cover art

    A spaceship landed in front of the boy, out of which stepped a funny-looking alien. The alien was green, tall, had big eyes, and was wearing a shiny silver suit.

    a boy standing next to an alien holding hands in a field of grass with a full moon in the background, space art, a storybook illustration, Asaf Hanuka, josan gonzales and dan mumford

    The alien introduced himself and expressed his love for art. He showed the boy his bag full of drawing tools, which sparkled under the starlight.

    a cartoon character sitting on a box with a cell phone in his hand and a bag of pencils in his other hand, figurativism, a character portrait, Altichiero, comic cover art

    The boy and the alien sat together on the pavement, the alien pulled out a large, blank book and a set of coloring pencils from his bag.

    a boy sitting on a table with a book and an alien next to him and a book in front of him, space art, a storybook illustration, Aaron Jasinski, comic cover art

    Together, they began to fill the pages with beautiful drawings of the universe, spaceships, and various alien species. It was a magical and colorful night.

    a boy sitting on the floor reading a book in a bedroom with a clock on the wall and a green wall, space art, a storybook illustration, Diego Gisbert Llorens, storybook illustration

    As they drew, the alien taught the boy about the universe. He told him about the stars, the planets, and the different types of aliens that lived in the universe.

    a cartoon alien sitting on a bed reading a book in a bedroom with a green wall and a bed with a green wall, space art, a comic book panel, Chris LaBrooy, josan gonzales and dan mumford

    The boy listened with rapt attention, his eyes sparkling with curiosity and wonder. He had never felt this happy and enlightened before.

    a boy sitting on a bed in a green room with a window and a green wall with pictures on it, space art, a storybook illustration, Cliff Childs, alien

    As dawn approached, the alien prepared to leave. He gave the coloring book to the boy and told him to share it with other children.

    a boy and an alien standing in front of a doorway at night with a plant in the background and a house with a door open, space art, a comic book panel, Asaf Hanuka, comic cover art

    The boy promised to do so. He thanked the alien for the wonderful night and the beautiful coloring book.

    a couple of kids sitting on the floor with a book in front of them and a book open to a story, lyco art, a storybook illustration, Diego Gisbert Llorens, detailed illustration

    The boy kept his promise. He shared the coloring book with the other children in his neighborhood. They were all amazed by the beautiful drawings and the fascinating stories.

    a group of children sitting at a table with a book and pen in front of them and a full moon in the sky, space art, a storybook illustration, Diego Gisbert Llorens, storybook illustration

    This coloring book brought them all together, making the lonely boy not so lonely anymore. The boy, his new friends, and the coloring book made a lovely picture under the same starry sky.