The Boy with Blue Glasses
By Anilson

09 Sep, 2023

Era uma vez um menino chamado Alexandre ou simplesmente, Alê, que nasceu numa cidade do Tocantins, Araguaína. Seu espírito alegre e sorriso radiante eram bem conhecidos. Tempos mais tarde, foi descoberto, um pequeno problema inicial de visão, ele sempre permaneceu alegre.

Ainda criança, Alexandre desenvolveu o gosto pelo esporte. Seus exclusivos óculos azuis de aro plástico sempre repousavam sobre seu nariz enquanto ele mergulhava em outra aventuras, principalmente, quando iniciou suas atividades esportivas na natação. de tão apaixonado pela natação, parecia um peixinho.

Como seus pais, despertou também, o interesse por seguir imitá-los, principalmente em demonstrar, esse interesse no que era espiritual e com a igreja, era incomparável. Todas as noites ele recitava versículos da bíblia voz alta para seus pais, além de cantar, Ali, criando um ambiente encantador em sua pequena casa.

He didn't let his visual impairment hinder his life. He often joked that his blue glasses gave him superpowers, like seeing through the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Every morning, Mateus would help in his father's bakery. He greeted every customer with his infectious smile and radiant positivity.

His father, Senhor Carlos, was proud of Mateus's resilience. He admired the way his son turned his weakness into a strength.

Mateus loved to explore the village. His adventures were a favorite amongst the children, who listened with wide-eyed admiration and awe.

His stories weren't merely tales to him; they were a reflection of his optimism and positivity. Every character he described was speckled with cheer.

But one day, Mateus fell ill. He was confined to his bed, away from his books and the outside world. The village felt his absence.

Despite his condition, his spirits remained high. He took it as another adventure, a battle to be won. His confidence was unyielding.

His father and sister stayed by his side, offering him comfort and care. They brought him his favorite books, which he continued to read aloud.

Many villagers visited Mateus, bringing him gifts and wishing him a speedy recovery. His presence was sorely missed by everyone.

Ana missed her big brother's laughter and their nightly story-telling. She would sit by his bed and listen to his soft voice as he drew her into his tales.

Despite his illness, Mateus's stories became more vibrant and full of life. His words painted vivid images in the minds of those around him.

Slowly but surely, his health began to improve. He was regaining his strength and was soon able to sit up and read more comfortably.

When he was finally able to leave his bed, the entire village rejoiced. His joy and laughter returned and his stories gained a new vitality.

Ana clung to his side, her face lighting up with happiness at having her brother back. The siblings spent their days catching up on missed adventures.

His father couldn't be prouder of his son's courage and resilience. Mateus's spirit was truly inspiring, not only to his family but the whole village.

Despite the trials he had faced, Mateus didn't lose his love for stories. They had become his refuge during his days of illness and his source of joy upon his recovery.

He became an icon of positivity in the village. His blue glasses became a symbol of hope and resilience, inspiring all who knew him.

His stories grew richer and more vibrant, reflecting the trials he overcame. He didn't just tell stories; he lived them, adding a personal touch to each tale.

The villagers often asked him about the secret to his unwavering positivity. To which he would simply reply, "Through my blue glasses, the world is always bright."

His phrase became a motto in the village. It was a reminder to look at the world with a positive perspective, no matter the circumstances.

As years passed, Mateus never lost his joyful spirit. His blue glasses were his constant companion through every adventure, every trial, and every joy.

Mateus may have had a visual impairment, but he saw the world more brightly than anyone else. His story continues to inspire all, reminding everyone that optimism can turn weakness into strength.