The Design Adventures of Zara and Zeke
By nichol.kellenberger

20 Apr, 2024

Zara and Zeke, two curious siblings, were busy drawing and coloring in their bedroom. They loved to design and create.

Zara picked up a red crayon and wrote 'A' on a piece of paper. 'A is for Alignment,' she said, drawing lines to show Zeke.

'B is for Balance,' Zeke joined in, sketching a seesaw with equal weights on both sides, demonstrating the concept.

Continuing their design adventure, Zara excitedly exclaimed, 'C is for Contrast!' and showed Zeke a drawing of a sunny day and a starry night.

Zeke took his turn and said, 'D is for Dominance,' and drew a big tree overshadowing smaller ones. Zara clapped and giggled.

Zara picked up a purple crayon and wrote 'E' on a paper. 'E is for Emphasis,' she explained, underlining the word with a flourish.

'F is for Form,' Zeke announced, proudly displaying a drawing of a pyramid and a cube to Zara who nodded in agreement.

Zara picked up a pink crayon and wrote 'G' on a paper. 'G is for Gradient,' she explained, showing Zeke how colors can blend.

As the day turned into evening, the siblings continued their design adventure. They had created their own unique, illustrated alphabet book.

From Alignment to Gradient, they had explored the elements and principles of design, learning and having fun at the same time.

As they tidied up their room, Zeke looked at Zara and said, 'We've created our own design adventures, haven't we?' Zara nodded, her eyes sparkling.

With their design alphabet book completed, Zara and Zeke dreamed of more adventures to come. They knew their love for design was just beginning.