The Farting King
    By Michelle Robinson
    Created on 24 Mar, 2024
    The Farting King cover image
    In a bustling classroom full of eight-year-olds, one boy was experiencing an unusual urge. He felt a rumble in his stomach, a prelude to an impending fart.
    a boy in a suit standing in front of a chalkboard with a lot of writing on it and a laptop, naive art, a manga drawing, Awataguchi Takamitsu, official art
    With a sly smirk, he let out a small fart. As the class got louder, he dared to release a slightly bigger one. To his surprise, no one seemed to notice.
    a boy standing in front of a chalkboard with a lot of writing on it and a lot of pencils, danube school, a storybook illustration, Diego Gisbert Llorens, 2 d game art
    The teacher was struggling to restore calm. Amidst the commotion, the boy felt another rumble in his stomach. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he knew exactly what to do.
    a cartoon of a boy in a classroom with a lot of children in the background and a boy in a uniform, paris school, a comic book panel, Choi Buk, official art
    As the teacher raised her voice, he let out another fart, this one louder than the previous ones. Yet, amidst the cacophony, his secret remained safe.
    a boy in a classroom with a lot of students behind him and a chalkboard with a clock on it, serial art, a comic book panel, Akira Toriyama, official art
    During recess, the boy couldn't resist testing his newfound skill. He let out a series of farts, each louder than the previous, as he ran around the playground.
    a group of children running down a street in school uniforms with a boy in the middle of the group, danube school, a storybook illustration, Adam Manyoki, official art
    The boy was thrilled. He felt like a superhero, with a secret power that no one knew about. He was the Farting King, and he ruled the playground with his invisible crown.
    a boy in a crown standing in front of a playground with children playing on it and a slide in the background, paris school, a storybook illustration, Diego Gisbert Llorens, official art
    After recess, as the teacher started her lecture, the boy felt a familiar rumble. With a sly smile, he prepared to unleash his secret weapon again.
    a cartoon of a boy in a classroom with other boys in the background and a chalkboard with writing on it, danube school, a storybook illustration, Arthur Pan, phuoc quan
    He let out a series of farts, perfectly timed with the teacher's chalk against the blackboard. No one noticed, and he felt victorious.
    a cartoon of a woman and a child in front of a chalkboard with writing on it and a chalkboard with writing on it, academic art, a character portrait, Asaf Hanuka, comic cover art
    At home, the boy couldn't resist trying his new-found talent. As his parents watched TV, he let out a series of farts, each perfectly timed with the sound effects on the TV.
    a family sitting on a couch in a living room with a television and a teddy bear on the floor, lyco art, a storybook illustration, Diego Gisbert Llorens, official art
    His parents didn't suspect a thing. The boy was elated. He had successfully taken his talent from the classroom to his home.
    a boy sitting on a couch in a living room with a teddy bear and a bookcase on the floor, sots art, a storybook illustration, Dan Content, official art
    As he lay in bed that night, the boy couldn't help but chuckle at his secret adventures. He was the Farting King, a title he wore with pride.
    a boy is sitting in bed with his arms crossed under the covers and a full moon in the sky, space art, a storybook illustration, Arthur Pan, comic cover art
    He drifted off to sleep, dreaming of more adventures as the Farting King, ready to conquer any challenge with his unique, albeit smelly, superpower.
    a boy is sitting in bed with a full moon in the background and a night sky with stars and a clock, space art, a storybook illustration, Asaf Hanuka, moon