The Goth Princesses
    By Storybird
    Created on 16 Aug, 2023
    The Goth Princesses cover image
    Violet and Raven, two goth high school girls, were well-known for their dark and brooding fashion sense. Their affinity for black lace, chokers, and combat boots made them stand out from the crowd. They loved to express themselves and didn't care if this didn't align with everyone else's taste. Halloween was their favorite holiday, and they usually dressed as witches or vampires. But this year, they decided to surprise everyone.
    "This year, let's do something completely unexpected," Violet suggested as she scanned through costume options on her laptop. "Something no one at school would expect from us."
    "Oh, like what?" Raven asked, her fingers paused over the black polish she was about to apply to her nails.
    "Like princesses," Violet said, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Pink, sparkly princesses."
    Raven stared at Violet in disbelief for a moment and then laughed. "That's brilliant!" she said. "Let's do it."
    And so, the shopping for pretty pink princess dresses began. The girls selected the most glamorous, glittery costumes they could find.
    "This is so out of my comfort zone," Raven admitted, holding up a shimmering pink dress. "I don't even own anything this color."
    "That's the point," Violet replied, a sparkle in her eye. "We'll be unrecognizable."
    They giggled as they helped each other into the dresses, the unfamiliar feeling of frothy tulle and satin was strange but exciting.
    They carefully applied makeup, substituting their usual black eyeliner and crimson lipstick for pastel eyeshadows and sparkling gloss. The final touch was donning sparkling tiaras.
    "I can't believe we're doing this," Raven mumbled, twirling in front of the mirror. The tiara wobbled atop her head and she giggled, a rare sound coming from her.
    Violet chuckled, "Yeah, we're gonna cause some jaws to drop." They headed off to the party, hand in hand, ready to shock their school mates.
    When they entered the school gym, a hush fell over the crowd. The muscular jock, Tyler, broke the silence first. “Wow, you girls look amazing!” he exclaimed.
    Commotion erupted as everyone began applauding and complimenting the girls. "You both look stunning!" their best friend, Lily, gushed. The girls exchanged pleased glances.
    Deciding to play along with their princess roles, Violet curtsied, giving a gentle smile, "Thank you, everyone." Raven blushed and followed suit, surprising herself with her own grace.
    As the night progressed, they practiced being kind and caring like true princesses, helping some younger kids with their costumes and even comforting a girl who had tripped.
    "You know," Violet whispered to Raven, "This princess thing isn't so bad." Raven nodded. "Yeah, being kind feels... nice." That night, they discovered a new side to themselves.
    They promised each other to carry on some princess-like kindness in their everyday lives. After all, a change of wardrobe doesn’t necessarily mean changing who you are.

    The Goth Princesses

    AI Children-stories Stories

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