The Jealous Crow and the Wise Magpie
By mum

21 Aug, 2023

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a disgruntled crow named Boris. Boris was always discontented and prone to complaining. His heart was filled with envy towards the magpie, who was considered a symbol of good luck.

One day, unable to contain his resentment, Boris flew over to Magdalene, the magpie believed to bring good fortune. He grumbled, "It's not fair, Magdalene! Our cries are equally harsh and we both share a similar black plumage."

He continued, "We are almost identical but humans regard you as an auspicious entity while we are always seen as omens of misfortune. When you call, they see it as a good sign, but when we call, they consider it a bad omen!"

Magdalene calmly listened to Boris's complaints, nodding her head with understanding. Then, in her melodious voice, she finally responded, "Boris, it's not about how we look or sound, but how we live our lives."

She went on, "We magpies are considered lucky because we do not waste our precious time complaining. Instead, we live every day with sincerity and hard work. Complaining won't get us anywhere and it's better to live a diligent life."

Boris was stunned silent. He had expected Magdalene to empathize with him, to share in his outrage. But instead, she had given him a profound part of wisdom. A wisdom he hadn't expected.

He stared at Magdalene, his gaze filled with a mix of surprise and shame. His heart pounded as he took in her words. He realized his constant grumbling had blinded him to the real beauty of life.

Embarrassed, Boris muttered a low 'thank you' and flew away, leaving Magdalene perched on the branch. The forest seemed quieter now, almost contemplative.

The crow spent the entire night pondering over Magdalene's words. He recognised the wisdom in her advice and found himself feeling foolish for all his previous complaints.

When the morning sun peaked over the horizon, Boris awoke a changed crow. He was determined to embrace the day with hard work and sincerity, just like Magdalene had suggested.

Instead of starting his day with complaints, he began with a grateful heart. He spread his wings and flew around the forest, feeling the crisp morning air against his feathers. This was a feeling he had forgotten.

From then on, Boris no longer complained about his life or envied the magpies. He focused on living a diligent life, cherishing each moment as it came. He found joy in the simple acts of everyday living.

Over time, his grumbling calls changed to cheerful ones. He started to sound more like a magpie and less like a disgruntled crow. The forest dwellers noticed this change and they were pleasantly surprised.

Even the humans living nearby began to notice the change in Boris's calls. They no longer associated his calls with bad luck. In fact, they began to consider it as an echo of the morning's delight.

As days turned into months, Boris experienced a happiness he had never known before. He was contented, and his heart was filled with peace. He no longer envied the magpies, for he had found his own joy.

One day, Boris visited Magdalene again. This time, it wasn't to complain, but to thank her. He was grateful to her for opening his eyes to the beauty of a diligent life.

Magdalene welcomed him with a warm smile, glad to see the change in him. She was proud of Boris for his transformation and acknowledged his gratitude with a nod.

Boris and Magdalene spent some time sharing their experiences and lessons of life. They became friends, their bond strengthened by the wisdom they shared. And the forest echoed with their harmonious calls.

The story of Boris and Magdalene spread across the forest. It became a tale of transformation - a tale of how a disgruntled crow learned the value of contentment and hard work, and changed his life.

From then on, whenever the forest dwellers heard Boris's calls, they were reminded of this story and the wisdom it held. His calls were no longer seen as omens of bad luck, but sounds of diligence and contentment.

Boris's life was a testament to the power of change. He once lived in constant complaint and jealousy, but he chose to change, to embrace life as it was, and he found his happiness.

The story of Boris and Magdalene continues to inspire those who heard it. It tells us that instead of complaining about the circumstances, we should focus on living a diligent and contented life.

It reminds us to cherish and make the most of what we have. To live every day with sincerity, hard work, and a grateful heart. And that true happiness comes from within, not from the judgments or opinions of others.

The forest continues to echo the transformation of Boris. Now, every call of the crow is a reminder of this wisdom, a reminder of the power of contentment, and a symbol of a diligent life.

And so, Boris, the once disgruntled crow, now resonates the call of contentment. He serves as a beacon of change, radiating the vitality of a life lived with sincerity, hard work, and gratitude.

He is now a symbol of a journey from discontentment to satisfaction, from envy to gratitude, and from being a symbol of misfortune to becoming a beacon of hope and positive change in the forest.

Magdalene, the wise magpie, takes pride in the fact that she could impact someone's life positively. She continues to spread wisdom through her melodious calls, inspiring many more lives in the forest.

The story of Boris and Magdalene, the jealous crow, and the wise magpie is a narrative that echoes through the forest, teaching lessons of contentment, gratitude, and the power of change to all who are willing to listen.

And thus, the forest continues to live peacefully, resonating with the harmonious calls of Boris and Magdalene. They remind us of the power of contentment and the beauty of a diligent life.

Let their story be a gentle reminder that it's not appearances, but attitudes that matter. The key to happiness does not lie in constant complaining, but in embracing life with a positive attitude and a diligent spirit.

May we all learn from Boris, the once disgruntled crow, and Magdalene, the wise magpie. And may we embrace life with sincere hard work, learn to be content with what we have, and find our own happiness within ourselves.

So, the next time you hear the call of a crow or the chirping of a magpie, remember the inspiring tale of Boris and Magdalene. Let it remind you to live each day earnestly, to work hard, and to be happy with what you have.

And above all, let it remind you that true happiness comes not from what others think of us, but from how we regard and live our own lives. This was the lesson Boris the crow learned, and it's a lesson we could all benefit from.

As the tale of Boris and Magdalene continues to echo through the forest, it serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of contentment, the fruitfulness of hard work, and the transformation one can undergo when they choose to change.

As their inspiring tale is narrated and retold over time, the forest remains a place where wisdom is shared, lessons are learned, and lives are transformed. It is a place where even the most disgruntled can find peace and contentment.