The Lion and the Monkey
By redaadoui45

22 Apr, 2024

In the African savanna lived a majestic lion named Simba. He was a proud and powerful lion, ruling over all the savanna's creatures with unquestioned authority.

One day, Simba met a cunning monkey named Kwaku. Unlike the lion, Kwaku was humble and wise, though he lacked the strength or imposing stature of the savanna's king.

Kwaku approached Simba with a friendly smile. 'Oh great Simba, king of the savanna, I've heard of your strength and greatness. But I wonder if you also possess the wisdom of humility.'

Simba scoffed at the monkey. 'Humility? Why would I need such a thing when I am the most powerful king of all?' he roared.

Undeterred, Kwaku challenged Simba. 'Let's see who can perform a simple task with more grace and humility.' Intrigued, Simba accepted.

They headed to a crystal clear water source where antelopes often came to drink. The challenge was simple: each had to drink water without scaring the antelopes.

Confident, Simba approached arrogantly and plunged his muzzle into the water, scaring the antelopes away with his powerful roar.

Kwaku, on the other hand, approached carefully, making no noise. He drank the water delicately without disturbing the antelopes and withdrew gracefully.

When Simba realized that the antelopes had fled because of him, he felt ashamed. He had failed to complete the task with humility and respect for the other savanna creatures.

On the other hand, Kwaku had succeeded brilliantly. Simba bowed to the monkey, acknowledging his wisdom and humility.

'You are right, Kwaku. True greatness lies in humility and respect for all the savanna's living beings. Thank you for teaching me this lesson,' Simba said.

From that day, Simba ruled the savanna with wisdom and humility, always remembering the lesson he learned from the wise monkey Kwaku.