The Lion and the Mouse
By Karan varma

06 Sep, 2024

In the heart of the African savannah, there lived a powerful Lion, the king of all beasts. He was feared and respected by all other animals.

One day, a tiny Mouse, while playing, ran over the Lion's nose. The Lion awoke and was very angry.

The Lion captured the Mouse with a swift paw. He was about to eat the Mouse, but the Mouse pleaded for mercy.

"Please let me go," the Mouse begged. "I promise to help you one day." The Lion laughed at this idea but decided to let the Mouse go.

Days passed, and one day, the Lion found himself caught in a hunter's net. He roared and struggled, but the net was too strong.

Hearing the Lion's roars, the Mouse rushed to the scene. Seeing the Lion in distress, the Mouse remembered his promise.

Without wasting any time, the Mouse started gnawing at the ropes of the net with his sharp teeth.

The Mouse worked tirelessly, and finally, the net gave way. The Lion was free again.

The Lion, filled with gratitude, thanked the Mouse. From that day forward, the Lion learned that no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

The Lion and the Mouse became good friends. They looked out for each other and lived happily in the savannah.

This friendship was a great surprise to all the animals in the savannah. But it showed them that size and strength aren't everything.

The story of the Lion and the Mouse spread throughout the savannah. It taught everyone that even the smallest creature could make a big difference.