The Little Bear's Lesson
By Sandy Ovando

25 Mar, 2024

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, lived a family of brown bears. The youngest was a little bear named Benny. He was known for his playful and adventurous nature.

Benny's parents were wise and kind. They always guided him and taught him the importance of being obedient. But Benny, being a little bear, often found it hard to follow rules.

One day, Benny's parents warned him about the danger of venturing deep into the forest. "Stay near, Benny. The deep forest can be dangerous," they cautioned.

Yet, the adventurous Benny decided to disobey his parents. He was curious and wanted to explore the unknown. So, he wandered off deep into the forest.

The forest was beautiful but soon, Benny realized he was lost. He tried to find his way back but ended up even deeper in the forest. He was scared and alone.

Suddenly, he heard a loud growl. His heart pounded. A big, fierce wolf appeared. Benny was terrified. He missed the safety of his home and his parents.

Benny started to run, but the wolf was fast. He remembered his parents' teachings about prayer. He closed his eyes and prayed to God for help and protection.

As he opened his eyes, he saw a beehive hanging from a tree. He had an idea. He ran towards the beehive and shook the tree. The bees started to swarm around.

The bees attacked the wolf, who yelped and ran away. Benny was relieved. He thanked God for the idea. But he was still lost in the deep forest.

Benny began to walk, praying for guidance. After a while, he saw a ray of light. He followed it and found himself at a familiar part of the forest.

He finally reached home. His parents were worried and relieved to see him safe. Benny was filled with guilt. He had disobeyed his parents and put himself in danger.

He confessed his disobedience to his parents. He told them about the wolf and the beehive. He apologized for not listening to their warnings and putting himself in danger.

His parents forgave him. They were glad he was safe and had learned his lesson. But Benny knew he also needed to ask for God's forgiveness.

That night, Benny prayed earnestly. He asked God for forgiveness and promised to be obedient in the future. He thanked God for his safety and the lesson he learned.

The next morning, Benny woke up with a new sense of responsibility. He realized that his parents' rules were for his safety and he promised to obey them.

Benny understood that disobedience only led to danger and trouble. He learned to trust his parents and God. He knew they wanted the best for him.

From that day, Benny became a role model for other young animals in the forest. He shared his story and the lessons he learned about obedience and forgiveness.

Benny's story spread throughout the forest. His experience taught the young animals the importance of obedience, prayer, and seeking forgiveness when they made mistakes.

Benny grew up to be a wise and obedient bear. He was respected and loved by all in the forest. His story and his transformation were an inspiration to all.