The Lost Boy
    By محمد شعبان
    Created on 07 Apr, 2024
    The Lost Boy cover image
    One day, little Ahmed accompanied his mother to the local market. The market was bustling with people and colorful goods. As his mother was busy buying fruits and vegetables, Ahmed got distracted by the toys displayed in a toy store.
    a boy is standing in a grocery store with a backpack on his shoulder and a backpack on his shoulder, photorealism, a storybook illustration, Asaf Hanuka, graphic novel
    His childish curiosity led Ahmed to venture beyond his limits and let go of his mother's hand to explore the store, thinking he wouldn't be gone long. However, he soon realized he was lost in the huge market.
    a boy standing in front of a fruit stand in a market place with people walking around it and a bunch of fruit, samikshavad, a comic book panel, Asaf Hanuka, graphic novel
    Ahmed felt panic and fear as he watched people pass him by, looking for a familiar face among the shops. Meanwhile, his mother was looking for him in the crowd, her anxiety and the child's worry growing.
    a boy standing in front of a fruit stand with boxes of fruit in front of him and people in the background, context art, a comic book panel, Asaf Hanuka, graphic novel
    As Ahmed was roaming around looking for his mother, an elderly man wearing a colorful hat and carrying a cane approached him. The old man asked, 'Are you looking for something specific, young one?' Ahmed replied with tears in his eyes, 'I'm looking for my mother, I lost her.'
    a man in a hat is walking through a market with a lot of people in the background and a man with a backpack on his shoulder, hurufiyya, a comic book panel, Asaf Hanuka, graphic novel
    The old man sympathized with the child's situation and said, 'I will help you find your mother, don't worry.' The two of them started searching together, passing shops and asking people.
    a man holding a child in a crowded street market area with a cart of fruit in front of him, magical realism, a storybook illustration, Asaf Hanuka, graphic novel
    After some time, they found Ahmed's mother searching for him, her eyes filled with tears from worry.
    a woman in a green dress and hat standing in front of a crowd of people in a market area, serial art, a character portrait, Araceli Gilbert, graphic novel
    'Here's your son, ma'am,' the old man said, pointing to Ahmed. His mother rushed forward and hugged him tightly, relief washing over her.
    a woman and a boy are walking through a market with a lot of fruit and vegetables on display in the background, hurufiyya, a storybook illustration, Asaf Hanuka, graphic novel
    She thanked the old man profusely, her eyes filled with gratitude. 'Thank you for helping my son,' she said, her voice choked with emotion.
    a man and a boy standing in front of a market with a lot of people around them and a man holding a basket of fruit, hurufiyya, a storybook illustration, Asaf Hanuka, storybook illustration
    'It was my pleasure, ma'am,' the old man replied with a kind smile. 'Remember, Ahmed, never wander off without your mother.'
    a painting of a man and woman standing in front of a fruit stand with a man looking at a woman, art & language, a storybook illustration, Asaf Hanuka, graphic novel
    Ahmed nodded, his eyes still filled with tears, but this time, they were tears of relief. He hugged his mother's leg tightly, promising not to wander off again.
    a man and a boy standing in front of a market with people in the background and a man holding a child, photorealism, a storybook illustration, Asaf Hanuka, graphic novel
    They waved goodbye to the old man and continued their shopping. Ahmed held his mother's hand tightly, not letting go even for a second.
    a woman holding a child in a market with a lot of fruit in the background and people walking around, serial art, a comic book panel, Asaf Hanuka, graphic novel
    And that's how Ahmed learned a valuable lesson that day. Never to leave his mother's side in a crowded place.
    a man and two children standing in front of a fruit stand with a man in a green shirt and a woman in a blue dress, socialist realism, a comic book panel, Asaf Hanuka, graphic novel