The Three Little Pigs
By TriviaCorner

15 May, 2024

The first little pig was eager to build his house. He quickly gathered a pile of straw and started working, his small hooves moving swiftly.

Not far away, the second little pig was collecting sticks. Unlike his brother, he took his time, humming a tune as he worked.

The third little pig, the most cautious of the three, was gathering stones. He wanted to build a strong house that could withstand any storm.

Meanwhile, the Big Bad Wolf watched the pigs from a distance. His stomach growled as he imagined the tasty meal they would make.

The wolf approached the first little pig's straw house. 'Let me in, little pig,' he growled, 'or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down!'

The first little pig was terrified. Despite his fear, he refused to let the wolf in. But, with one huff and puff, his house of straw was gone.

The wolf moved to the second little pig's stick house. He repeated his threat, and despite the pig's refusal, his house too was blown away with a huff and a puff.

Finally, the wolf approached the stone house. He huffed and puffed with all his might, but the house stood firm.

The wolf, determined, tried to enter through the chimney. But the third little pig had anticipated this and lit a roaring fire.

The wolf, scared and singed, ran away never to return. The three little pigs cheered, celebrating their victory.

From then on, the three little pigs lived happily in the stone house. They learned the importance of hard work and planning.

And so, every pig that passed their house would look at it with awe, admiring the strength that lay in unity and wise decisions.