Mr. Chan's Discipline Challenge

    By Wing yee Cheung

    Mr. Chan's Discipline Challenge cover image

    15 May, 2024

    a man standing in front of a classroom full of students with a teacher in the background talking to them, serial art, a storybook illustration, Choi Buk, official art

    Mr. Chan, the famous footballer, stepped into the classroom, his new arena. The chatter subsided as the girls noticed their new teacher.

    a man standing in front of a classroom full of students with a chalkboard in the background and a chalkboard with numbers written on it, serial art, a manga drawing, An Gyeon, official art

    The girls gushed at the sight of Mr. Chan. They were fans, not students, and their behavior reflected that. It was daunting, but he was determined to discipline them.

    a group of girls in soccer uniforms running on a field with a soccer ball in the air and trees in the background, private press, a comic book panel, Choi Buk, official art

    Mr. Chan decided to use what he knew best - football. He took the girls out to the field, hoping to channel their energy into the sport.

    a group of children running around a soccer field with a woman on the sidelines of the field behind them, serial art, a comic book panel, Choi Buk, yukito kishiro

    He taught them how to pass, shoot, and defend. It was a struggle at first, but the girls eventually began to enjoy it. They began to respect Mr. Chan as a teacher.

    a group of children sitting at a desk in a classroom with a teacher in front of them and a teacher in the back, remodernism, a manga drawing, Aya Goda, official art

    Back in the classroom, the girls were more attentive. They had seen Mr. Chan's dedication on the field and they mirrored it in their studies.

    a man standing in front of a classroom full of students in blue shirts and black pants, with a smiling man in the middle of the classroom, vancouver school, a comic book panel, An Gyeon, official art

    The football sessions continued. It was a perfect blend of academics and sports. The girls' behavior improved significantly.

    a man standing in front of a group of people in school uniforms with glasses on his head and a tie on, serial art, a comic book panel, Asaf Hanuka, graphic novel

    At the end of the year, Mr. Chan stood proudly as his class was awarded for their improved behavior and academic performance.

    a group of people standing next to each other in front of a crowd of people wearing school uniforms and smiling, paris school, a detailed drawing, Asaf Hanuka, detailed illustration

    The girls thanked Mr. Chan for his dedication and patience. They had learned more than just football; they had learned discipline and respect.

    a man standing in front of a group of people in a classroom with a cartoon of him smiling at the camera, serial art, a comic book panel, David Park, official art

    Mr. Chan was happy. He had not only taught these girls but also learned from them - about patience, adaptability, and the joy of teaching.

    a man standing in front of a crowd of people in a room with a chalkboard on the wall, socialist realism, a comic book panel, Asaf Hanuka, graphic novel

    As he looked at the girls, he saw a reflection of his own growth. He had stepped out of his comfort zone and succeeded in his challenge.

    a crowd of people standing next to each other with a man giving the peace sign in front of them, serial art, a comic book panel, Choi Buk, official art

    The ceremony ended with applause and tears of joy. It was a bittersweet moment - a successful year coming to an end.

    a crowd of people standing in a room with a window in the background and a cartoon of a man in a white shirt, serial art, a comic book panel, Asaf Hanuka, graphic novel

    But Mr. Chan knew this was just the beginning. He was ready for the next challenge, the next set of girls, and the next year of teaching.

    Mr. Chan's Discipline Challenge