The Deceitful Promise

    By najat Alhjaji

    The Deceitful Promise cover image

    13 Apr, 2024

    a woman with curly hair standing on a street corner in a black and white photo with people walking by, photorealism, a photorealistic painting, Elina Karimova, highly detailed digital painting

    Lara was a well-known figure in her small town. Her radiant personality and charm often got her out of tricky situations.

    a woman with curly hair is walking down the street in a city with people walking by her and a man with a backpack, modern european ink painting, a comic book panel, Ayshia Taşkın, graphic novel

    Mr. Baker, the town's mayor, was one of the few who saw through her charm. He was wary of her devious tactics.

    a man and a woman are smiling at each other in a theater with a full moon in the background, modern european ink painting, an ultrafine detailed painting, Colin Middleton, highly detailed digital painting

    During the fair, Lara made a promise to young Billy - to bring him the moon by the end of the fair. Billy was ecstatic.

    a black and white drawing of two people standing next to each other at a market place with umbrellas, fantastic realism, an ultrafine detailed painting, Drew Struzan, high detail illustration

    "How will you do it, Lara?" Billy asked, his eyes wide with curiosity. "You'll see," she replied, ruffling his hair.

    a woman sitting at a desk with a book and a cup in front of her and a vase on the table, pre-raphaelitism, an ultrafine detailed painting, Edgar Ainsworth, highly detailed digital painting

    Back home, Lara realized the enormity of her lie. She was unsure how to fulfill her promise without revealing her deceit.

    a woman sitting at a desk with a book and pen in her hand and a lamp on the side, fantasy art, a storybook illustration, Charlie Bowater, highly detailed digital painting

    She spent sleepless nights trying to figure out a solution, her anxiety growing with each passing day.

    a black and white photo of two women in leather jackets looking at something in the distance with other people in the background, antipodeans, a colorized photo, Arie Smit, promotional image

    With the fair coming to an end, Billy asked Lara about her promise. Mr. Baker, overhearing this, raised an eyebrow.

    a woman with a hat is smiling for the camera in a crowd of people at a festival or festival, photorealism, a photorealistic painting, Alena Aenami, highly detailed digital painting

    "Not yet, Billy," Lara said, forcing a smile. "The moon is still up in the sky, isn't it?" Billy nodded, still hopeful.

    a woman standing in front of a full moon with hot air balloons in the sky above her and a full moon in the background, modern european ink painting, an ultrafine detailed painting, Dan Hillier, high detail illustration

    In a desperate attempt, Lara bought a large, moon-shaped balloon. She hoped this would be enough to convince Billy.

    a man and a woman holding a balloon in front of a crowd of people at night time with a full moon in the sky, magical realism, a storybook illustration, Brad Kunkle, storybook illustration

    Presenting the balloon to Billy, she said, "Here's your moon, Billy." Mr. Baker watched from the sidelines, unconvinced.

    a couple of people standing next to each other in front of a full moon and stars sky with a full moon behind them, sots art, poster art, Dan Mumford, comic cover art

    "This isn't the moon, Lara," Billy said, disappointment evident in his voice. Lara felt a pang of guilt.

    a drawing of a man and woman walking down a street with a man in a hat and a woman in a suit, figurative art, a comic book panel, Art Spiegelman, western comic book art

    "Sometimes, we say things we can't fulfill, Billy," Lara admitted, regret in her voice. Mr. Baker nodded in silent agreement.