The Deceitful Promise
By najat Alhjaji

13 Apr, 2024

Lara was a well-known figure in her small town. Her radiant personality and charm often got her out of tricky situations.

Mr. Baker, the town's mayor, was one of the few who saw through her charm. He was wary of her devious tactics.

During the fair, Lara made a promise to young Billy - to bring him the moon by the end of the fair. Billy was ecstatic.

"How will you do it, Lara?" Billy asked, his eyes wide with curiosity. "You'll see," she replied, ruffling his hair.

Back home, Lara realized the enormity of her lie. She was unsure how to fulfill her promise without revealing her deceit.

She spent sleepless nights trying to figure out a solution, her anxiety growing with each passing day.

With the fair coming to an end, Billy asked Lara about her promise. Mr. Baker, overhearing this, raised an eyebrow.

"Not yet, Billy," Lara said, forcing a smile. "The moon is still up in the sky, isn't it?" Billy nodded, still hopeful.

In a desperate attempt, Lara bought a large, moon-shaped balloon. She hoped this would be enough to convince Billy.

Presenting the balloon to Billy, she said, "Here's your moon, Billy." Mr. Baker watched from the sidelines, unconvinced.

"This isn't the moon, Lara," Billy said, disappointment evident in his voice. Lara felt a pang of guilt.

"Sometimes, we say things we can't fulfill, Billy," Lara admitted, regret in her voice. Mr. Baker nodded in silent agreement.