Little Brother Sonic

    By Storybird

    Little Brother Sonic cover image

    29 Oct, 2023

    I woke up feeling smaller than usual. My hands, my feet, everything seemed tinier. Even the bed I was in was enormous compared to my new size.

    "Sonic, breakfast's ready!" I heard a familiar voice calling from downstairs. But it sounded deeper, older. It was Tails.

    I found myself sitting at a high chair at the breakfast table. Tails was serving pancakes and acting like it was the most normal thing in the world.

    "Uh, Tails, why am I so small?" I asked, my voice squeaking. Tails looked at me with a surprised expression.

    "Because you're four, Sonic. That's why," Tails answered, laughing. I was stunned. Was this a dream? But it felt so real.

    Despite my confusion, I decided to play along. "Alright, big brother," I replied, grinning at Tails. He smiled back, delighted.

    The day went by surprisingly fast. Tails was patient and caring, and I found myself enjoying his company as my older brother.

    We played games, built forts, and even had a race. Although I lost, I didn't mind because it was fun being the little brother for a change.

    As night fell, Tails tucked me into bed. "Goodnight, little bro," he said, turning off the light. I felt a warmth spread through me.

    Gazing out of the window, I saw a shooting star streak across the sky. It was beautiful, and it gave me an idea.

    "I wish things could stay this way," I whispered, my eyes locked on the star. And with that, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

    When I woke up the next morning, I was still small, still four years old. Tails was still my big brother, and I was happy.

    It wasn't a dream after all. This was my new reality and I was ready to embrace it, little brother Sonic and big brother Tails.