Goku vs Kid Goku

    By heycliffordray

    Goku vs Kid Goku cover image

    11 Apr, 2024

    a cartoon of a man in a desert setting with a sunset in the background and a person in the foreground, sots art, poster art, Akira Toriyama, official art

    Goku stands in a barren landscape, facing his younger self. It was a surreal situation, one he never imagined he'd find himself in. He wondered how he'd forgotten the innocence in those eyes.

    a cartoon of two young gohan standing on a rock with a sunset in the background and a full moon in the sky, sots art, poster art, Akira Toriyama, official art

    Kid Goku, intrigued but not scared, stared back. He was full of questions, but he knew better than to interrupt an adult's contemplation.

    a cartoon of two young gohan characters running in the sky with a sky background and clouds in the background, sots art, poster art, Akira Toriyama, official art

    Breaking the silence, Goku finally speaks, 'Let's see what you've got, kid.' Kid Goku nods, readying himself for the challenge.

    two young gohan fighting in a cartoon style with a sky background and clouds in the background, with a bright blue sky and white star, sots art, poster art, Akira Toriyama, official art

    The two Gokus collide in a whirlwind of punches and kicks. It's a spectacle of raw power and skill, a dance of warriors.

    two young men in orange outfits standing next to each other in front of a rocky landscape with rocks and boulders, sots art, poster art, Andries Both, official art

    Both fighters are panting, their bodies screaming in protest. Kid Goku falls first, but Goku helps him up, a gentle smile on his face.

    two young gohan are standing in front of a rocky landscape with a sky background and clouds in the background, les nabis, poster art, Akira Toriyama, official art

    'You've done well, kid,' he says, 'I'm proud of you.' Kid Goku grins at the praise, blushing slightly.

    a group of young gohan sitting on top of a rock next to each other on a mountain top, dau-al-set, poster art, Akira Toriyama, official art

    They sit in silence, staring at the horizon. Goku breaks the silence with a question, 'What do you want to be when you grow up?'

    two young gohan are standing in front of a blue sky with clouds and stars in the background, one is wearing a blue and the other is wearing a blue, les nabis, poster art, Akira Toriyama, official art

    Kid Goku thinks for a moment before answering, 'Strong. Strong enough to protect everyone.' Goku smiles at the answer, 'You will be, kid. You will be.'

    two young gohan standing in front of a sunset with trees and rocks in the background, one of them is looking at the other, sots art, poster art, Akira Toriyama, official art

    As he looks at his younger self, Goku realizes he's rediscovered the innocence he'd lost over the years. It was a comforting feeling.

    a cartoon character standing in front of a river with a sky background and clouds in the background, with a sunset behind him, superflat, poster art, Akira Toriyama, official art

    'It's time for me to go,' says Goku, standing up. Kid Goku nods, 'Will I see you again?' 'Maybe, kid. Maybe.'

    a cartoon of a man in a dragon costume standing in front of a mountain with clouds in the background, sots art, poster art, Akira Toriyama, official art

    With a wave, Goku lifts off into the sky, leaving Kid Goku behind. He's content, having confronted his past and reconciled with it.

    a cartoon character with a dragon on his back and a full moon in the background with clouds and stars, sots art, poster art, Akira Toriyama, official art

    As he disappears into the sky, Kid Goku waves back, a determined look on his face. He had a future to look forward to, and he was ready for it.