Itachi and the Dragon
By Storybird

13 Sep, 2023

Itachi stood before the class at Hogwarts, a renowned institution he had grown to adore. The students were full of curiosity and three of them, in particular, Lupin, Hermione and his wife Luna, were eager to watch a demonstration from his world.

The outdoor grounds were the perfect spot for the summoning; the calm, open space with a clear view of the bright blue sky. "Let's begin," Itachi murmured, stepping forward.

Chanting an incantation under his breath, Itachi conducted a series of complex hand signs. The atmosphere around him started to thicken and a rift materialized in the sky above.

From the dark void emerged a colossal dragon, armored in blackened steel. The dragon's eyes glowed a fiery red and clung tightly to its body were numerous red orbs, pulsating with an eerie light.

Lupin, Hermione, and Luna watched in awe as the dragon, Gandora, descended from the sky. "What kind of dragon is that!" Lupin exclaimed, his eyes wide in wonder.

"This is Gandora," Itachi responded calmly, unphased by the massive creature now hovering before them. He then turned to address the dragon. "Is there an enemy, Gandora?"

"It can talk!" Hermione exclaimed in surprise as Gandora responded in a deep, thunderous voice. Lupin and Luna exchanged astounded glances, taken aback by the creature's intelligence.

"No, I was demonstrating the summoning, Gandora. Sorry for disturbing you," Itachi apologized, his voice respectful yet firm. Gandora nodded, seemingly understanding the situation.

Luna was the first to recover from the shock. "What are those orbs in Gandora's body?" she asked, her gaze focused on the glowing red spheres. Itachi smiled at his wife's curious nature.

"Let's show her, Gandora," Itachi said, a glint of excitement in his eyes. The dragon responded by ascending into the sky, the students watching in rapt attention as he prepared to unleash his power.

"Gigarays of Destruction!" Gandora roared. The orbs on its body pulsated fiercely, releasing furious beams of red light that tore through the deserted sky. The sight was breathtakingly terrifying and awe-inspiring.

The waves of energy subsided, leaving the observers in silent awe. “That was… incredible," Hermione finally managed to say, her voice trembling slightly with the lingering shock.

"Indeed, it was," Lupin agreed, removing his glasses to wipe away a bead of sweat that had formed on his brow. "I've never seen anything quite like it in all my years at Hogwarts."

"It was... beautiful," Luna said, her voice filled with wonder. She turned to Itachi, blue eyes gleaming with a mix of admiration and love. "Thank you for sharing this with us, Itachi."

Itachi simply nodded, his face softened by her gratitude. He turned to Gandora, "You may return, Gandora, thank you for the demonstration." Gandora responded with a deep rumble, before soaring into the rift again.

The dragon disappeared and the rift slowly faded away, leaving the sky as clear and serene as before. Itachi turned back to the students, the demonstration complete. "Any questions?" He asked.

The questions and comments cascaded from the students, their awe and curiosity making way for a lively discussion filled with excitement and intrigue. Itachi patiently answered each query, sharing about his world and powers.

The rest of the day went by in a blur of questions, answers, laughter, and exchange of ideas. The students learned more about Itachi's world, while Itachi gained fresh insights about the wizarding world.

As the sun began to set, Itachi, Luna, Hermione, and Lupin remained sitting on the grass, their conversation still lively. Itachi looked at Luna and smiled, pleased with the day's experiences.

"Thank you all for today," Itachi expressed his gratitude towards the group. "I hope I managed to give you a glimpse of my world and its wonders." His words held warmth and deep respect for his new friends.

The group exchanged heartfelt smiles and agreed to more such interactions in the future. Itachi's summoning demonstration was not only an exciting spectacle but also a moment of cultural exchange. It was indeed a day to remember.

Luna reached for Itachi's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I knew you would fit in here," she said with a soft smile. Itachi looked at Luna, his gaze filled with appreciation and love.

As the dusk settled, the group dispersed, promising to gather again soon. Itachi and Luna walked hand in hand back towards the castle, their thoughts filled with the day's extraordinary events and the many more to come.

Itachi looked back once, at the spot where Gandora had appeared at his bidding. A shared experience, a moment of wonder that had drawn two worlds closer. He smiled, looking forward to more such adventures.

Luna turned to Itachi, her voice soft as she broke the silence. "A perfect blend of two worlds, don't you think?" Itachi nodded as they continued their walk, a day of shared magic marked as a fond memory.