The Lost Universe

    By Jonathan

    The Lost Universe cover image

    17 Aug, 2023

    One day, he woke up in a world completely unlike his own. The bed he rested on felt different, and when he opened his eyes, he was in an unfamiliar house with wooden walls.

    Panic surged through him, but survival instincts kicked in. He got up, explored the house, and found that he was alone. The house was beautiful, yet utterly alien to him.

    He tried to turn on the Xbox One in the living room, but it didn't work. Neither did the Xbox 360 or PlayStation. Nothing about this new world made sense.

    Venturing outside, he hoped to find something familiar. But again, he was met with the unfamiliar. The city he lived in, San Francisco, was entirely non-existent.

    It was a strange world. The Titanic never sank, and the internet didn't exist. Even popular destinations like Florida were just a dream.

    The boy tried to call for help, but the phone wouldn't work. It was as if he had stepped into a twisted version of Back to the Future, where technology was regressing instead of advancing.

    Out of the blue, he saw a person transform into a balloon dragon! It was fantastical, bizarre, and a tad unnerving. Unbelievable as it was, this was his reality now.

    He soon discovered that everyone in this universe could transform into balloon dragons at will. It was a norm that was as natural as breathing.

    The police were more strict, their gaze sharp and watchful. It seemed that in this world, order was a top priority. The boy knew he had to tread carefully.

    He spent the day learning about this new universe, each discovery simultaneously fascinating and confounding. He missed his old life, but there was no going back.

    Days turned into weeks, and he learned to adapt. He learned to live without the internet, YouTube, Minecraft, Google, and Netflix. He learned to live without his favorite cities.

    The Eureka series from his world was real in this universe. The boy found solace in this, as it was a familiar piece from his old world.

    Then one day, a realization dawned on him. This universe was not a punishment, but an opportunity. An opportunity to experience something new and unique.

    He realized he could be a part of this new world, not just an outsider looking in. He could form relationships, learn, grow, and truly live here.

    The boy decided to embrace his new life fully. He learned to become a balloon dragon and joined in the daily parades that filled the sky with color and joy.

    He discovered new hobbies and interests in the absence of his usual pastimes. He created physical art and crafts, read real books, and learned to appreciate the world around him.

    The boy befriended the local children and shared stories of his former world. They were fascinated by his tales, and he felt appreciated and accepted.

    Time passed, and the boy grew older. The memories of his former life slowly faded, but they didn't disappear. They were a part of him that he cherished.

    He eventually grew into a fine young man, respected and loved by the community. He had not only adapted but thrived in this new universe.

    The years passed, and he found contentment in his new life. He had a family of his own, and his children grew up knowing both the world he lived in and the one he once knew.

    One day, he found himself telling his grandchildren about the world he grew up in, about the internet, YouTube, Minecraft, Google, and Netflix. His old world was now a fairy tale.

    The boy had become a man in a universe where everything was different. Yet it was his universe now, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

    He had found a home, a purpose, and a family in this new universe. He was no longer the lost boy but a man who had found his place in the universe.

    Every night, as he fell asleep, he would remember his past. But he would also look forward to the future, a future in a universe he now called home.

    And so, the boy who woke up in a different universe had grown into a man who found contentment and joy in the life he led. A man who had found his way home.