The Mischievous Genin

    By Storybird

    The Mischievous Genin cover image

    20 Sep, 2023

    It was a clear sunny day in the Hidden Leaf Village. The training field echoed with the sounds of sparring. A familiar sight: Naruto, Sasuke, and Boruto training together.

    Boruto's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint as he formed a new Justin. "Get ready," he warned, his voice full of excitement.

    In a rapid movement, Boruto cast the Justin. As a result, a flash of light enveloped both Naruto and Sasuke. Suddenly, their clothes started changing.

    The two men looked down to find themselves styled in soiled diapers, Naruto in a baby onesie, and Sasuke in a princess dress.

    Astonished by their appearance, Naruto and Sasuke could only stare at Boruto, who was suppressing giggles. "What did you...?" Sasuke began, his voice trailing off.

    Grinning, Boruto reached into his pouch and pulled out two pacifiers. "Open wide!" he chortled, placing the pacifiers into Naruto’s and Sasuke’s mouths.

    Boruto couldn't contain his laughter any longer. "I've always wanted to try this Justin," he confessed amidst his laughter.

    Naruto and Sasuke, stunned, sat there helplessly, each with a pacifier in his mouth. They could only watch as Boruto celebrated his successful prank.

    Suddenly Naruto and Sasuke burst into laughter too, removing their pacifiers. "You got us good this time," admitted Naruto, chuckling.

    Sasuke sighed, shaking his head. "I must admit, it's a clever Justin," he acknowledged, his tone full of reluctant admiration.

    Naruto looked at Sasuke and then at Boruto. "Where did you learn this, Boruto?" He asked, his eyes narrowing slightly.

    Boruto just grinned, placing a finger on his lips. "It's a secret," he declared, adding mystery to his new prank.

    Naruto shook his head, smiling fondly. "Just like his father," he muttered to himself, thinking back to his own prankster days.

    Sasuke, on the other hand, was still trying to figure out how to undo the Justin. He wasn't a fan of his current outfit, particularly the princess dress.

    Boruto, seeing Sasuke's discomfort, decided to help. He formed another Justin, and Naruto and Sasuke's outfits changed back.

    This time, there was a sigh of relief from both men as they looked down to find themselves back in their familiar ninja clothes.

    Naruto and Sasuke glared playfully at Boruto. "Just remember, Boruto, every prank has a payback," warned Naruto, smiling.

    Sasuke nodded in agreement. "Expect the unexpected, Boruto," he added, his voice switching to a more serious tone.

    Boruto chuckled, feeling the thrill of the challenge. "Bring it on!" he shouted, his eyes shining with determination.

    And so, it became a memorable day of training. Not for the usual reasons, but because of a new prank, a new Justin, and a great deal of laughter.

    As the sun began to set, Naruto, Sasuke, and Boruto decided to call it a day. They walked back together, sharing jokes and laughter.

    Boruto couldn't help but think about how lucky he was. "Not everyone gets to play pranks on the Hokage and the legendary Sasuke Uchiha," Boruto thought, grinning.

    Naruto shot a playful glance at Boruto. "Just remember, your prank wasn't that bad. I did worse when I was your age," Naruto reminisced, smiling.

    Sasuke simply shook his head. "I can't even begin to imagine the kind of pranks you pulled, Naruto," Sasuke stated, laughing softly.

    Boruto chuckled, "I guess I have a long way to go!" He replied, looking forward to more days of training and pranks.

    As they returned home, they knew that this was just another day in their ninja journey. A day filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a dash of mischief.