David: The Shepherd King


    David: The Shepherd King cover image

    09 Sep, 2023

    Em Israel, vivia um jovem pastor chamado David. Ele era corajoso, amado por Deus e tocava harpa lindamente.

    Um dia, um urso ameaçou seu rebanho. David, tão corajoso como sempre, confrontou o urso, e o matou.

    Another time, he fought a lion to save his sheep. His brave acts made him respected among his people.

    Prophet Samuel heard about David’s courage. God guided him to anoint David as the future Israeli king.

    Then David served food to Israel’s army. Despite his future kingship, he remained humble.

    He wasn't afraid of Goliath, a gigantic Philistine, and volunteered himself to fight the giant.

    With God's guidance, he beat Goliath with a single stone flung by his sling. His bravery earned him respect.

    King Saul admired him and married his daughter, Michal, to David, elevating his status.

    As time passed, David became the king. His rule was just and he was adored by his people.

    Even as a king, he played his harp and stayed humble. His life shows faith and courage can overcome any challenges.