Ugly Monkey IV-The Killing Shed:Claustro-phobianoid
By BK Swain

04 Sep, 2023

On the blisteringly hot afternoon of Memorial Day, Eddie Smothers, guided by the siren call of free beer, sauntered haplessly towards a humble wooden shed. He was blissfully unaware of the traumatizing spectacle that was about to unfold.

Inside the shed, a vintage radio was blaring out a Detroit Tigers game commentary. Eddie, with his derision for sports, hastily changed it to thrash metal, “Paranoid” by I Prevail was now echoing throughout the shed.

Suddenly, a monstrous primate burst from the rafters. Its grotesque face was twisted into a wretched grin that sent chills down Eddie's spine. This was Eddie's maiden encounter with the vile creature, but the monkey had been observing him all along.

The monkey seemed to thrive on the fear it invoked, its grotesque grin widening as it began tearing off pieces of gorilla tape, each strip resonating with an ominous undercurrent.

As the evening sun set, intoxication began to cloud Eddie's senses. He offered meek resistance as the tape obscured his face, little by little. A feeling of suffocation began to creep, as if a giant serpent was gradually constricting his windpipe.

The sudden realization of his impending peril kick-started his adrenaline. Panic and fear danced in his eyes as the last threads of oxygen seemed to evaporate in his lungs, but the maniacal laughter of the monkey was louder than his pulsating blood.

The world began to fade around Eddie, his consciousness slipping away with each gasping breath. The monkey's malevolent grin was the last sight Eddie saw before his world plunged into darkness.

The room was silent, except for the scratching sound of charcoal on tape. The monkey, having successfully defended its twisted principles, etched a chilling word on the tape, "Me."

The once jubilant party-goers were met with a deafening silence as they stepped in. Their laughter turned into terrified gasps as the eerie sight of Eddie, their friend, left them paralyzed.

The grim shed became a haunting monument to the monkey's cruel game of judgement. It stood ominously, a silent beacon of the horror that lay within, a macabre testament to Eddie's nightmare.

The gruesome tale of Eddie Smothers and the monkey spread like wildfire. The once benign shed now instilled fear and curiosity among the townsfolk. Unbeknownst to them, the puppetmaster was still lurking in its shadows.

The question echoed in the minds of the townsfolk. Will there be another unsuspecting Eddie lured by the same ploy? Or will the monkey devise a newer, more sinister game of judgement?

The aura around the shed was as foreboding as the monkey's presence. The disappearances escalated, each one preceded by parties offering free beer, instantly transforming the joyous gatherings into macabre snare traps.

Eddie was now just a chilling memory, the first victim of the monkey's deranged justice. The once vibrant Eddie became a specter of fear, while the shed stood as a silent witness, housing the grisly reminiscence.

The cycle, as grim as it was relentless, continued unimpeded. The monkey, an unfeeling judge of sins, plotted its grotesque games inside the haunted shed, leaving the town in a perpetual state of dread.

The legacy of Eddie Smothers, the metal-head, lived on, etched into the town's collective memory. His tale served as a nightmarish lullaby for any who dared to venture near the enigmatic shed. The reign of the monkey remained unchallenged.

The tale of the monkey and the shed has now become a local legend, etching a grim reminder of Eddie's gruesome fate. The once free-spirited man is now just a shadow of the past, the whispering winds still carrying his haunting legacy.