The Rubber Drone
By Linx

25 Feb, 2024

Casper, a slightly chubby but attractive 25-year-old, decided to visit a local costume store in search of a Halloween costume. As he entered, he was greeted by the peculiar owner, a sinister-looking man with an unsettling smile.

The owner showed Casper a unique rubber suit, claiming it to be the last one of its kind. Intrigued by its uniqueness, Casper decided to try it on, unknowingly stepping into a nightmare.

As soon as Casper slipped into the rubber suit, he felt an unusual sensation. His mind became foggy and his movements robotic. He was no longer Casper, but a faceless rubber drone.

The owner, satisfied with his creation, turned his attention to Casper's friends who had accompanied him. One by one, they too were transformed into mindless drones, their individuality stripped away.

The boys, horrified at what they had become, began to mutilate themselves in a desperate attempt to regain their humanity. But the more they struggled, the more mindless they became.

The costume store had turned into a factory of horror, churning out rubber drones devoid of any emotion or free will. Their screams of despair echoed through the silent store.

Casper, despite his mindless state, felt a flicker of consciousness. He fought against the numbness, clawing at the thick rubber that encased him. But his efforts only furthered his transformation.

The owner watched with glee, his crooked smile never fading. He was pleased with his work, his collection of rubber drones growing with each passing moment.

The boys' resistance weakened as the mindless drones overpowered their human will. The rubber suit clung to them, molding their bodies and minds into faceless entities.
Painting your imagination...
The owner's laughter echoed through the store as he reveled in their despair. His collection was nearly complete, and he was eager to add more to his assembly of drones.

Casper, now completely consumed by the rubber suit, had lost all semblance of humanity. He stood motionless, his eyes void of emotion, a perfect drone amongst the others.

His friends too, had succumbed to their fate. They stood alongside Casper, their identities lost, their faces hidden behind the impenetrable rubber. The once jovial group was now a collection of faceless drones.

The owner, satisfied with his creations, locked the store, leaving the drones inside. The lights dimmed, casting long shadows that danced around the motionless figures.

As the night descended, the drones stood still, their existence reduced to mere objects. The once lively and vibrant boys were now nothing more than faceless rubber drones.

The owner's sinister laughter echoed in the silent store as he reveled in his victory. He had successfully turned a group of friends into mindless drones, his own personal collection.

The drones remained motionless, their screams of despair long silenced. Their identities were lost, their humanity stripped away, leaving behind only faceless rubber entities.

The owner, pleased with his work, left the store, the sound of his laughter lingering in the air. He had successfully created an army of rubber drones, his personal collection of faceless entities.

Casper and his friends, trapped in their rubber suits, were left alone in the store. Their existence was reduced to mere objects, their personalities replaced by mindless obedience.

The costume store, once a place of joy and excitement, was now a factory of horror. It was a reminder of the tragedy that had befallen Casper and his friends, a chilling testament to their grim fate.

As the dawn broke, the store remained silent, save for the occasional creak of the old wooden floor. The rubber drones stood still, a grim reminder of the horrifying transformation that had taken place.

The tragedy of Casper and his friends was a chilling tale of horror. The costume store had become their prison, the rubber suits their chains, trapping them in a state of mindless obedience.

Their identities were lost, their hopes and dreams shattered. They were no longer individuals, but faceless rubber drones, forever trapped in their horrifying transformation.

Their tale served as a chilling reminder of the horrors that could befall those who dared to venture into the sinister world of the costume store. The fate of Casper and his friends was a grim testament to the horrors that lurked within.

As the sun set, the store remained silent. The rubber drones stood still, trapped in their horrifying transformation. The once lively and vibrant boys were now nothing more than faceless entities, their humanity forever lost.

The tale of Casper and his friends ended in tragedy. The costume store, once a place of joy and excitement, had become their prison. They were now faceless rubber drones, forever trapped in their mindless state.