Dreaming HeartsBy Storybird

Dreaming Hearts
By Storybird
Created on 13 Aug, 2023

Caroline and Justine walked away from the Velvet Room and headed towards Itachi Uchiha's apartment. The thought of leaving their usual haunt was rather unusual, but curiosity beckoned them forward.

Arriving at Itachi's apartment, they noticed the lights were dimmed. The night's quietness pervading the space, save for the steady rhythm of Itachi's breathing.

Their eyes adjusted to the darkness, they noticed Itachi, asleep on the couch. His usual stern demeanor replaced by an expression of peaceful slumber.

Surprised, they heard Itachi mumble their names in his sleep. It was a moment of unguarded honesty that took them by surprise.

"Caroline Justine, I love you," Itachi murmured. The twins exchanged a glance, unsure of what to make of this sudden confession.

They watched Itachi as he continued to talk in his sleep. They listened as he asked Caroline about her strong exterior while being a softy at heart.

Itachi spoke about fusing Alice and Chernabog to get Mot, then fusing it with Thanatos Picaro for regular Thanatos, inheriting "just die" ability. The twins listened, fascinated by his somnolent rambling.

He then asked about Igor's long nose. "Justine, why is Igor's nose so long?" he mumbled, eliciting a soft chuckle from the twins.

"Caroline, why do both of you wear eyepatches when both of you can see in both eyes?" Itachi continued, his words causing a slight smile to appear on Caroline's face.

Justine's mouth fell open slightly when Itachi confessed that he had to hug Caroline because she was scared of a horror movie. Caroline huffed, though she couldn't hide the blush that painted her cheeks.

The tables turned when Itachi mentioned Justine's visits to his apartment to play video games. Caroline smirked, her eyes glinting with amusement at Justine's flustered expression.

Finally, Itachi's mumbling ceased and his breathing returned to normal. Both girls held their breath, wondering if he was going to wake up.

Quiet fell over the apartment once again. After a few moments, the twins relaxed, recognizing that Itachi was indeed still asleep, and his confessions would remain within the confines of his dreams.

Leaving the apartment as silently as they entered, the twins couldn't help but reflect upon what they had heard. Their faces bathed in the soft moonlight, they journeyed back to their Velvet Room.

The Velvet Room seemed even more surreal after all they had heard. Returning back to their familiar abode made them realize the surprising depth of their emotions.

The Velvet Room was their domain, yet they couldn't help but feel that a part of them was left in Itachi's dreams. There was a feeling of gentle warmth that lingered within them.

Caroline and Justine didn't speak about their unique experience. They carried on, their bond strengthened by the secret they shared. The Velvet Room felt a tad bit warmer.

They looked at each other with an understanding. Unspoken words passed between them as they continued their watch, waiting for their next visitor, knowing well who held a special place in their hearts.

As the night wore on, the Velvet Room remained oblivious to the outside world. Its mystic charm held the twins captive, their thoughts swirling with the echoes of Itachi's dreams.

Their hearts held a secret, a revelation of feelings they dared not voice. The Velvet Room, their sanctuary, now carried a sense of melancholy longing.

As the night slipped into day, the Velvet Room buzzed with activity once more. The twins stood guard, their minds occupied with the events of the night.

When Itachi visited them next, they shared a knowing smile. He seemed oblivious to their secret, his expression unreadable, yet somehow, the Velvet Room felt more connected to the outside world.

Such was the charm of their existence, caught between the realms of dreams and reality. And yet, their hearts found solace in this unspoken bond that Itachi unknowingly forged.

The Velvet Room had seen many visitors, seen many stories unfold. But this one, the one that blossomed in dreams and was held in hearts, was uniquely theirs.

Unbeknownst to Itachi, he had touched their hearts in a way no one else had. He had become a part of their Velvet Room, a part of their story, a part of them.

Dreaming Hearts
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