Gentle Hands for Mittens

    By Bayan

    Gentle Hands for Mittens cover image

    21 Jun, 2023

    Once upon a time, in a little town called Rosewood, there lived a young girl named Lily. She had golden curls and big blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight.

    Lily loved animals and wanted to be friends with all the pets in the neighborhood. From dogs and cats to rabbits and birds, she thought they were all cute and wanted to play with them.

    However, Lily was a little too enthusiastic and didn't understand how her actions could scare or hurt the animals. She would chase them, pick them up suddenly, and squeeze them too tightly.

    This made the pets nervous and afraid of her. The neighborhood dogs would bark loudly whenever they saw her coming, and the cats would run up trees to get away from her.

    One sunny day, as Lily’s mom prepared a picnic lunch, she called Lily over and sat her down next to her. She said, “Lily, I know you love animals and want to play with them, but you need to be gentle.”

    Lily looked confused and asked, “But mom, I am gentle. I just want to hug them and play with them.” Her mom smiled kindly and explained that animals might not understand her intentions.

    “Just like how you don't like it when big kids play roughly with you, animals don't like it when you are rough with them. You have to be extra gentle and patient with pets,” her mom said.

    Lily thought about it for a moment and then nodded her head. “I can do that, mom. I'll be more patient and gentle with animals from now on.” Her mom smiled and hugged her tight.

    The very next day, Lily decided to put her mom's advice into practice. She saw a cat named Whiskers lounging lazily on a fence. Instead of running up to the cat, she slowly approached him.

    Whiskers' ears pricked up when he saw Lily, but this time, instead of running away, he observed her curiously. Lily gently held out her hand and let Whiskers sniff it.

    To her surprise, Whiskers didn't run away but instead rubbed his head against her hand, purring gently. Lily was delighted and carefully petted Whiskers' soft fur.

    The other neighborhood kids noticed Lily's change, and soon, they too started to approach the pets gently. The animals grew more comfortable with Lily and the other children.

    One afternoon, while walking in the park, Lily saw a small group of children huddled around something. She approached and saw a little bunny trembling with fear in the center.

    Without thinking, Lily stepped forward and asked the other kids to move back a bit. The children, knowing how gentle Lily had become with animals, listened and gave the bunny space.

    Lily slowly crouched down and started talking softly to the frightened bunny. She offered some lettuce from her lunch bag, and after a few moments, the bunny cautiously inched closer.

    The other children watched in awe as Lily gently held out her hand for the bunny to sniff. The bunny slowly hopped into Lily's lap and ate the lettuce, no longer afraid.

    From that day on, Lily became known as the "animal whisperer" of her neighborhood. She continued to be gentle with pets, and soon enough, they all grew to love and trust her.

    Lily's mom saw how much her daughter had grown and how well she took care of animals. She decided it was time for Lily to have her own pet to love and care for.

    One day, they went to the local animal shelter to find the perfect pet for Lily. She took her time, patiently walking past each cage, looking into the eyes of every animal.

    Finally, she came across a little golden puppy with big brown eyes. The puppy wagged its tail excitedly and pressed its nose against the cage in greeting. Lily knew this was the one.

    They brought the puppy home and named it Daisy. Lily learned how to take care of Daisy, feeding her, giving her baths, and taking her on slow, gentle walks around the neighborhood.

    Daisy grew to be a happy and well-behaved dog. She loved playing with the other pets in the neighborhood, and the animals no longer feared Lily and the children.

    Lily's gentle nature and love for animals soon inspired others to be kinder to pets and one another. The children in the neighborhood formed a special bond with all living creatures.

    Years passed, and Lily's love for animals blossomed. She decided to become a veterinarian when she grew up, so she could care for animals and teach others to be gentle with them too.

    As Lily grew older, she never forgot the lessons her mom taught her about being gentle and patient with animals. Her love and care for them continued to spread joy throughout Rosewood.

    Gentle Hands for Mittens