Inky Dimensions

    By Storybird

    Inky Dimensions cover image

    05 Aug, 2023

    It was a regular day at UA high, with the students of class 1-A going about their daily activities. Yet one thing was strangely amiss; Denki Kaminari, their normally exuberant and unpredictable classmate, was nowhere to be found.

    Their search for Denki led them to a strange device lying in the room, which, upon activation, sucked them into another realm. The students found themselves in a bizarre world, which they quickly realized was Denki's mind.

    Denki was there, grinning at them and munching on a candy wrapper, much to the dismay of an inky white figure named Sin, who was trying to explain why candy wrappers were not edible.

    Meanwhile, Par, an inky black version of Denki, was arguing with everyone and everything. His temper and stubbornness were reminiscent of Bakugou, making the students silently agree that they would probably get along.

    There was also Libero, an inky grey version who seemed to survive primarily on catnaps and coffee. His sleep-deprived state was similar to Hitoshi Shinso's, leading the class to speculate about their compatibility.

    Lastly, there was Spark, an inky yellow version, who was slowly crawling towards a first-aid kit, neon yellow blood oozing out of a wound. Par had shot him, but fortunately, parasites like him could not die.

    Despite the bizarre situation, Denki seemed quite at ease being in the company of these parasitic entities. He explained that they had simply shown up in his mind one day and never left.

    Despite their initial shock, the students gradually adapted to the oddity of Denki's mind. They began to interact with the parasites, learning more about each one's quirks and idiosyncrasies.

    Bakugo found himself in a heated debate with Par, their similar tempers causing sparks to fly. Par challenged him at every turn, refusing to back down, much like Bakugo himself.

    Meanwhile, Shinso and Libero bonded over their shared struggle of functioning on minimal sleep. They traded tips and stories, creating an odd camaraderie that was surprising, to say the least.

    The rest of the class tried their best to help Spark, who was still crawling towards the first aid kit. His resilience, despite the pain, earned him their respect and empathy.

    While all this was happening, Denki continued snacking on candy wrappers, much to Sin's annoyance. Despite his protests, Sin couldn't help but watch over Denki, revealing his protective side.

    As the day progressed, the students grew more accustomed to their surroundings, the oddities of Denki's mind becoming less bizarre and more fascinating. They saw a side of their friend that they had never seen before.

    In a strange way, the parasites felt like extensions of Denki himself, each representing a different part of him. Despite being separate entities, they all co-existed harmoniously inside Denki's mind.

    They found themselves drawing paralells between Denki's lively spirit and Spark's resilience, his playful stubborness and Par's argumentative nature, his laid-back demeanor and Libero's sleep-deprived state, and his carefree nature and Sin's concern for his well-being.

    Each interaction and every moment spent in Denki's mind gave them a deeper understanding of their friend, and perhaps even of themselves. The boundaries of friendship and understanding were constantly being stretched and redefined.

    Eventually, Night fell on the mindscape, dousing everything in a soft glow. The students found themselves around a bonfire, the parasites and Denki engaged in lively chatter.

    They shared stories, laughter, and even a few tears. They explored the depths of Denki's subconscious, uncovering a world of dreams, fears, aspirations, and a sense of comfort that had somehow eluded them so far.

    Every story shared, every memory relived, and every emotion felt seemed to strengthen the bond between them. They realized that they were more than just classmates, they were family.

    They also learned to appreciate the parasites. Despite their unconventional presence, they were a part of Denki, and by extension, a part of them all. They belonged here, in this strange mindscape that was as chaotic and vibrant as Denki himself.

    The next morning, they woke up in their own beds, their time in Denki's mind feeling like a surreal dream. Denki, in his usual cheer, greeted them, completely unaware of their shared experience.

    But there were changes, subtle but noticeable. They saw the echo of Par in Bakugo's stubbornness, the shadow of Sin in their concern for Denki, the hum of Libero in Shinso's tired eyes, and the spark of Spark in their collective resilience.

    Yet, amidst these changes, they also found a new perspective. They understood each other a little better, sharing a bond that was forged in the depths of Denki's mind.

    They no longer saw the parasites as separate entities but as integral parts of Denki. They saw the charm in his quirks, the strength in his randomness, and the warmth in his eccentricity.

    They realized that they, too, had their own parasites; their fears, insecurities, quirks, and eccentricities. And just like Denki, they could embrace these facets of themselves and live harmoniously with them.

    From that day forward, they became more accepting, more understanding, and more appreciative of each other's quirks and idiosyncrasies. They became a tighter-knit group, their bond stronger than ever.

    Life at UA high went on. Assignments were submitted, tests were taken, and battles were fought. Yet, amidst all the chaos and pressure, they found time to laugh, to share, to care, and to be there for each other.

    Every smile shared, every tear shed, every argument won, and every memory made brought them closer together. They learned to appreciate the beauty in their differences and the strength in their unity.

    And in the heart of it all was Denki, the electric soul of class 1-A, who reminded them every day that it was okay to be different, to be a little quirky, to be a little weird, and to be themselves.

    And so, they found happiness in their camaraderie, strength in their unity, and joy in their shared journey. They found themselves in each other, and in doing so, they found their own inky versions, their own beautiful, chaotic, and harmonious selves.