The Angry Sleeper
    By Kevin1230san Stewart
    Created on 03 Oct, 2023
    The Angry Sleeper cover image
    Momo Kawashima, a university student with a fondness for cats, decided to play a video on YouTube titled '100 Ways to Love a Cat'. The video consisted of various footages of cats being loved and pampered by their owners.
    She played this video in her shared apartment, where her roommate, Kevin Stewart, was fast asleep after a long day. The soft purrs and coos from the video had a soothing effect, and she had hoped it would help Kevin sleep better.
    However, contrary to her expectations, the video seemed to have the opposite effect on Kevin. He stirred in his sleep, a frown forming on his face. The peaceful sounds from the video were disturbing him.
    Eventually, Kevin woke up, visibly irritated. The sounds of cats meowing and purring filled the room, and his anger was apparent. He glared at the screen, his eyes burning with frustration.
    Momo, noticing Kevin's agitation, quickly paused the video. She was taken aback by his reaction, unsure of why he was reacting so violently to a video about loving cats.
    "Why are you playing this?" Kevin snapped, rubbing his temples as if trying to ward off a headache. His voice was laced with irritation, and his anger was palpable.
    Momo tried to explain that she thought the video would be soothing. She carefully observed Kevin, noticing how his anger seemed to be directed towards the cats in the video.
    However, instead of calming down, Kevin's anger only escalated. He began suggesting violent ways to harm the cats, each suggestion more brutal than the last. Momo was horrified by his words.
    "Kevin, that's not funny," Momo warned, her voice stern. She was a strong advocate for animal rights and could not tolerate any form of cruelty towards them.
    Kevin, however, seemed unfazed by her admonition. He continued to voice his violent thoughts towards the cats, his words growing more disturbing with each passing minute.
    Momo, desperate to stop Kevin's violent rant, decided to reach out to their friends for help. She hoped they could talk some sense into him and make him realize how wrong his words were.
    She quickly texted their common friend, Lily Turner, explaining the situation. Lily was known for her calming influence and Momo hoped she could help diffuse the situation.
    Meanwhile, Kevin's anger seemed to be spiraling out of control. He was pacing around the room, his hands clenched into fists. His violent suggestions had now turned into a list of '100 Ways to Harm a Cat'.
    Momo was desperately trying to calm him down, but her words seemed to fall on deaf ears. Kevin's anger was so intense that it was scaring her. She felt helpless and feared for the safety of her own pet cat.
    After what felt like an eternity, there was a knock on the door. Lily had arrived, and Momo rushed to let her in. She quickly explained the situation, hoping Lily could help.
    Lily, upon hearing Kevin's violent words, was taken aback. She had never seen him so angry before. She decided to approach him calmly, hoping to understand why he was so upset.
    She started by asking him about his feelings towards cats, trying to find the root cause of his anger. Kevin confessed that he had a traumatic experience with a cat in his childhood, which he had never fully recovered from.
    Lily listened to Kevin's story without interrupting. She understood that his anger stemmed from fear and not hatred. She suggested that he seek professional help to overcome his trauma.
    Kevin, now calmer, agreed to Lily's suggestion. He realized that his anger was misplaced and that he needed help to overcome his fear. The atmosphere in the room began to lighten.
    Momo, relieved, thanked Lily for her help. She promised to support Kevin in his journey to overcome his trauma. The night ended with a promise of better days to come.
    Over the next few weeks, Kevin started attending therapy sessions. He slowly began to understand his fear and learned how to manage his anger. His violent thoughts towards cats were gradually replaced with empathy.
    Momo, Lily, and their friends supported him throughout his journey. They were there for him during his therapy sessions and helped him face his fears. Their shared apartment slowly returned to its peaceful state.
    As time passed, Kevin's fear of cats began to fade. He learned to see them as innocent creatures rather than threats. His anger subsided, and his violent thoughts became a thing of the past.
    Momo, seeing Kevin's progress, felt proud of him. She was relieved to see him overcome his trauma and was grateful for the support from their friends. The incident brought them all closer together.
    In the end, the 'Angry Sleeper' was no more. Kevin had conquered his fear and anger towards cats, transforming into a more compassionate person. The peaceful YouTube video had unintentionally sparked a journey of self-discovery and healing.

    The Angry Sleeper

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