The Batman Glitch
By Storybird

21 Sep, 2023

In the heart of Gotham City, a strange phenomenon began to occur. The air shimmered and pulsed, as if reality itself was glitching. Suddenly, multiple versions of Batman appeared, each from a different universe.

The original Batman stood, stunned at the sight before him. His eyes narrowed as he studied each version, noting their differences, and similarities.

One was a steampunk Batman, another a futuristic version. There was even a version of Batman who was a vampire. Each was as real and tangible as the original.

The original Batman addressed the group. "We need to figure out why we're all here and how to fix it," he said, his voice gruff.

Each version of Batman agreed, understanding the severity of the situation. They began to work together, using their respective skills and knowledge.

Meanwhile, citizens of Gotham were panicking. Buildings and streets flickered in and out of existence as the world glitched around them.

The Batmen split up, each going to a different part of the city to help keep the peace while they figured out a solution.

Steampunk Batman used his mechanical gadgets to stabilize some of the glitching buildings. His knowledge of Victorian engineering proved invaluable.

Futuristic Batman utilized advanced technology to create a temporary field that slowed down the glitches. His suit was a marvel of future tech.

Vampire Batman, using his supernatural abilities, calmed the panicked citizens, compelling them to safety with his hypnotic gaze.

The original Batman, meanwhile, used his detective skills to trace the origin of the glitches. He realized it was coming from Wayne Manor.

He rushed to the Manor, the other Batmen following him. There, they found an unfamiliar device causing the reality distortion.

The device was a multiverse manipulator, a machine capable of pulling beings from different universes. It was dangerously unstable.

Together, the Batmen worked to disable the machine. Each contributing their unique skills, they managed to stop the distortion.

However, they couldn't reverse the process. The Batmen were stuck in the original Batman's universe. They had to find another way back.

They decided to search for clues in the Manor. They found a hidden room with schematics for the multiverse manipulator and a journal.

The journal belonged to a scientist from another universe. He had created the machine to explore the multiverse, but it malfunctioned.

In his notes, the scientist detailed a way to reverse the effects of the machine, which required parts from each of their universes.

The Batmen began to work together once again, each providing the necessary parts from their utility belts which contained items unique to their universes.

They modified the multiverse manipulator, following the instructions in the scientist's journal. It was a difficult task, but they were determined.

Once the machine was ready, they activated it. The air shimmered again, but this time, it felt different, calmer.

One by one, each Batman disappeared, returning to their respective universes. The original Batman was left alone in his universe once more.

The glitches stopped. Gotham City returned to its normal state, although the citizens would remember the day multiple Batmen saved their city.

Batman, alone again, looked at the now silent machine. He decided to keep it, just in case he ever needed to call upon his other selves again.

As he left the room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with his alternate versions. They were different, yet they were all Batman.

He returned to his patrol, watchful as ever over his city. He was alone, but he knew that he was never truly alone. He had allies, even across universes.

And so, the Batmen of multiple universes, each in their own world, continued their eternal vigil. Heroes, protectors, Batmen.